• Dawson S posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Hey all, I’ve had this account for a while now. I was 2 months clean, and just had a massive relapse. I was able to save up $4900 all on my own but ended up blowing it all tonight on blackjack and slots. I’ve tried everything to quit. Self exclusion, closing accounts, gamban, and basically every other strategy under sun. I’m losing hope here.…[Read more]

    • Hello, Im a month late reading your text but I hear you. Congratulations on graduating that’s a big accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. Gambling it’s not easy to quit. I know you have lost a lot and trying to chase your loses isn’t the answer. You will lose way. I get it you just want your money that you lost but you have to le…[Read more]

  • Csab123 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Really devastated. Just sold precious jewelry that was handed down to me. I’m a mess! What have I done!! I can’t tell anyone and it’s eating me up. My debts are outrageous I don’t see hope or light. Has anyone gotten out of the financial mess they caused? I am dying inside:(

    • Csab123, the only way out of this mess we get ourselves into is hard work and I also put a certain portion of my salary into my parent’s account to limit my access to cash, and if I did not have that to fall back on, my relapse would have been even more devastating. Hope this little piece of advice helps, but that is the only way I was able to get…[Read more]

      • Thank you! That’s a really smart idea. I’ve been really isolating myself because I’m so depressed over what I’ve done . I’m going to try your method. Thanks again.

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    I don’t think an addict can walk away a winner in the casinos because even if you win you still want to play. How can anyone walk away a winner?

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    I’ve decided I’m going to risk it all, I will wait for my money to come in and I will bet it all on my number, so far no wins but I can’t wait to gamble

    • Jenny what’s happening.
      I don’t know seems when something comes up for me that’s a disappointment it makes me feel like gambling I guess called slips.
      That’s something I need to work on.
      Because for me gambling is my biggest disappointment in myself which is the worst.
      Other than gambling I live a pretty standup life.
      But gambling can ruin th…[Read more]

      • No I was just upset, I bet all my money on gambling and lost so I thought betting more money would get me more results but now that I’ve had some sleep I’m rethinking my options. I took a $900 loan just so I can play and lost it all. That was yesterday. I was just mad I wanted to win back money I lost. I’m constantly changing my mind

        • No I was just high on wanting to win big so I said that, now that I’m thinking clearly I’m just going to pay my loans

          • I know staying away is hard. Maybe make yourself a list one column of what gambling does for you and another column of what it doesn’t do for you. So good and bad. I did this. It does help rationalize or put a better perspective on things.
            Here for you Jenny wishing you the best. Thank you for your honesty in your posts.

          • Tam replied 1 months ago

            I am so in your boat Jenny. I just won 13k after consolidatimg my loans and then I compulsively shopped to try and justify all the money I almost lost gambling to win, then I went and gambled have of it away again and now I am flat broke…..it is an absurd addiction. I can’t tell whether I .addicting to winning, my net or simply the gamble but I…[Read more]

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Why is thinking right so important? Example, life knocks us down again. We want to think about our (bad) options. If we don’t think about the Philippians command to “Think about these things, we will think in ways that start the big slide. Instead, consider often asking yourself this question:

    “How can I think toward love?” If you are angry…[Read more]

  • Buggy posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    I was doing so good , i relapsed worst then I’ve ever had I was 1k and I went down 1k not counting my winnings the other weekend I I was down 600 and left even today I was up huge and then got degenerate and lost it all and way more I was doing good I was so proud I have never been so degenerate I lost 2k tonight I’ve been saving to go to sch…[Read more]

    • Buggy it’s good that you were doing well.
      You had a slip. and it didn’t go well. It usually doesn’t and that’s always a hard lesson to learn.
      Brush yourself off and stick to your conviction to stop gambling.
      It’s unfortunate how quickly a person can forget why they wanted to stop in the first place.
      Get help if you can and think it’s warr…[Read more]

      • Same thing with me.. it’s 2am and I can’t stop thinking about the money I won then lost just 12 hours ago . That money would have let me pay my mortgage and now I put that plus double in. Over 2 grand.. I’m so sick I just want to throw up. You’re not alone. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay all the financial damage I’ve done. Good luck to you a…[Read more]

    • These comments are a good reminder of all the times, so many times I had big winnings thinking this is great i finally
      have a great “win”. Problem was I was thinking this while I still hadnt left the casino. Before the addiction progressed there were
      some times I actually left with money. Later anger and frustration why didnt I leave earlier.…[Read more]

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    I spent 7.5% of my earnings on the casino, I’m happy it wasn’t more than that.

  • Serenity posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    You tube video worth watching.

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    A 20 year old person’s life is going bad. They think, I could go back to _______ (Fill in your sin habit or habits). Today I am going to list 10 things we might miss out on when we go back. Note, everyone is different, you may be strong in some of these things, but everyone misses out on some of these things.

    #1 Bad habits often make people miss…[Read more]

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    I was able to stay away from gambling for 2 weeks and spent my money on other things besides gambling but 2 days ago I gambled. I wasn’t thinking, I just gambled, I didn’t think it would be a problem, but it was, because I spent all my remaining dollars on gambling which was $90, be it a thousand dollars I would have probably done the same thing…[Read more]

    • Actually I have plans to go shopping with the money I get tomorrow so I will save some money for that. I already promised my mom $2000 so that’s 2/3rds of my check right there $500 will be on bills and another $500 will be on visa so I have plans for my money to go places but technically I can spend the money I put on my visa anywhere else so…[Read more]

      • As long as those things get paid

        • Hi Jenny
          I know the draw but I also know the outcome. Even if a person dies win it’s hard to stop or it goes back in short order.
          The conclusion behind instead of ahead. I know it’s really hard to stay away but I hope you do. It sounds like you make decent money good for you ! One day at a time.

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    How can we remind ourselves to review quitting notes and prayers. #1 put a piece of tape or string around your finger. #2 Set an alarm on your phone. #3 Notes. #4 Put it on your (Google) calendar. #5 Have a magnet on your fridge. Put fresh notes up under the magnet weekly (Use a code if needed). In your bedroom write your goal – “Run from t…[Read more]

  • jj2500 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    I am still losing money that I don’t have. I have done so much damage to my life and reputation that I am not sure if I will ever be free of this dreadful disease. Yet, I still pray for strength and forgiveness.

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    Barry Bonds smashed baseballs. He was the king of the steroid era players (allegedly). Pitchers were scared of him and he walked 232 times in 2004 including 120 intentional walks. Barry annihilated the home run record with 73.

    The million-dollar question is, can we annihilate gambling? Gambling thoughts lead to ruin. Consider praying:

    “If my t…[Read more]

  • bbgirl posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    Not sure who may be needing this message so im just putting it out there. Jehova Jira my provider. His grace is sufficient for me. This is profound for me. Even when we mess up and do stupid things. God is still our provider and his grace is sufficient for us. I had wasted all my money and knew that the rest of the month would be long until I…[Read more]

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    A lot of time should be spent working on quitting. Many people spend 25 minutes at this site. That is smart. But only a few understand that it is just as important to work on something every hour that you can. Obviously, if you are busy at work this does not apply. But if you have tons of time to think about triggers at work, taking 1 minute to…[Read more]

  • Dan posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    Hi everybody. I hope you are all doing well in your recovery. I’m not doing well at all. The last six months have been a perfect storm for my life. So much craziness to deal with and everything I have learned about recovery has went out the door. My gambling has taken over and I have lost the only supports I have had to keep me going in a p…[Read more]

    • Anyone who has struggled with compulsive gambling has been there dan, I know I have. It seems you are struggling coping with all the negative things in your life. Realize gambling might be a good place to escape everything and everyone, but once you run out of money the problems and depression and shame just come front and center. Find something…[Read more]

      • Thank you for your kind and thoughtful response. Everything you said is spot on . I appreciate you 🙏

      • I am trying to get out of the isolation. This morning my roommate needed to make a few deliveries for his business and asked if I would go along. I would have said no most of the time and isolated in my room but today I said ok because I do know I need to get active in order to stop the negative thoughts. It worked . It was a good day for me. 😊

        • Thats great Dan. You are stronger than you think. You can do this. When I read your post I read that you undertand the position you are in. You understand your actions habe consequences and you undertand you need to change. That my friend is what you need to bring those changes about. I believe you are capable.

        • Glad you had a good day. And it’s good you went on the field trip. Keeping your mind on something else always helps. Skipped my ga meeting tonight but the fish were biting a little after work. Hope you have another good day tomorrow

    • Hi Dan hope you doing OK, your message echoes exactly how I feel… the suicidal thoughts are constantly and foremost in my mind this gambling destruction has lost me my life as I keep telling myself and at this moment I HATE everything about me, but get through just one day at a time. Trying really hard to change my mindset.

  • bbgirl posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    Gambling is just the strangest thing. It affects your mind so deeply. When you are winning you don’t belive there is a problem. When you’ve lost your last cent you know there is. The mind shifts from moments of clarity to utter oblivion. Ones emotions are on a roller coaster which never stops. It takes a grip like no other and is as destructive…[Read more]

    • It sounds like you are on the right path. Stay strong and keep these thoughts in your mind

      • Thanks Dan we will all help each other. Our actions will be our own but we have a safe place to speak to others in the same situations.

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 months, 4 weeks ago

    Adam and Eve’s poor choices caused problems. Because of eating the apple the previously fruitful ground was cursed. Now we have weeds. #2 They were banished from the garden. #3 Now we work instead of enjoying life in paradise. #4 Now there is childbirth pain. #5 They caused mankind to start life in a sinful state instead of a righteous state. #6…[Read more]

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 months ago

    When a trigger hits it is wise to stop and think. What is happening and why is it happening. #2 Write down your thoughts and emotions in that situation. #3 Have a plan for fighting triggers. First, have a couple of prayers and start praying them fervantly.
    Second, it is vital to get active in some way once you are triggered. Think of 3 physical…[Read more]

    • Glad you talked about triggers. I appreciate the suggestions you made too. I still never know when I will be triggered, but it certainly seems much more likely when I have money to burn. No doubt things like stress, depression, or just boredom can send me the wrong direction, but having the access to cash makes the urges to gamble inevitable.…[Read more]

  • Jed posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 months ago

    Hi, just lost a lot of money and I just want to share because i do not know who else to talk to. I played online casino. I lost then won then lost then won then lost until i emptied everything. This is very sad for me because i do not know how to tell my fiance and family. I am sick and I hope this time would be my last. I’m a degenerate gambler…[Read more]

    • Hey there Jed. I’ve been there myself multiple times in the past and it sucks! Winning is never a long term thing and eventually I always lost any kind of “winnings”. The online casino is so much worse (in my opinion) because you cannot physically see your money in your hands, which makes it incredibly easy to bet enormous sums of money in one…[Read more]

      • Jed replied 2 months ago

        Thank you maximus. This means a lot. I plan on telling my family, but maybe when I feel more of myself. This is not the first time and I hope they’d still accept me.

        • I could have written your post and I’m exactly in the position . I’ve lost thousands this week after winning big. Like you said I cannot stop until it’s all gone. I keep that shred of hope alive when I know from the past the casino always wins if you don’t walk away. The past two weeks have set us back financially so bad I feel like I’m in a nigh…[Read more]

      • Jed when I lost everything , I also keep saying I’m going to stop. It never happens. We have an addiction. I’ve been trying to stop for the past 28 years. My last 3 years have been a nightmare. Only way I’m looking to quit for ever is I been looking how other people live a normal happy life, and I just got a new grand child. I’m going to quit no…[Read more]

    • Sorry you are struggling the way you are right now. I know it is hard but you’re really going to have come clean with those close to you because it’s a really important step in starting to recover. If you’re not held accountable by someone than you will almost surely find your way back to the same losses, guilt , and shame. It is a carrousel reall…[Read more]

      • Thank you all for the kind words and words of enxouragement.

        I’m planning to tell my fiance today what happened as I also believe that this is needed for recovery. This forum has been so helpful. Hope I can return the favor in the future 😊

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