• bbgirl posted a new activity comment 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Hi Tam. I also find it frustrating my situation is no one is online when I enter the chat rooms so I use this platform to remind myself of the situation we find ourselves in. That does help somewhat.

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Sorry for your loss I believe many gamblers use gambling as an escape. Try speaking to your dad and tell him your concerns ultimately he will have to decide to stop and then maybe banning himself from the sites. It’s just to easy to gamble online.

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Hi No more spins. Welcome we pretty much all in the same situation from where we started. I find this platform helpful to read others stories and to see it is possible to change things for the better. It is not easy to stop but we all know the outcome. Gambling get progressively worse and the best time to stop is now rather than later. I wish you…[Read more]

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Thanks Serenity trying my utmost.

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Hi Tam thanks for your response. I am sorry you are going through the same situation. Your idea sounds great if you are not able to access cash but can at least get the other items you need / want. My situation is a bit different if I have cash i dont use it to gamble its the online games that are my problem, so its better I draw cash and keep…[Read more]

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Thanks Serenity for the advise, I have come to a decision. We discussed this further a few nights later and I saw just the extent of how upset this makes him. It broke my heart to see and that image in my mind is what I will focus on. He is a reasonable man however I need to learn to gain control of my own finances so will contribute as I normally…[Read more]

  • bbgirl posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 8 months, 1 weeks ago

    I have messed up again, big time. I want to ask a question on here. Please feel free to give me your input. Do you think it is advisable for someone who has a gambling problem to give any money they earn to their partner so that they are in control of finances. I know this will be sensible in some instances but my biggest concern is not having…[Read more]

    • bbgirl in my years of experience there are all kinds of people with different views on how matters should be handled.
      Does your husband know you gamble?
      That is the reason you wish to hand your finances over to him.
      If it’s possible to develop a system that you can show him where you wish to spend your money and it’s not on gambling. He sho…[Read more]

      • I am going through this very same thing. I need my husband to take all access to money for me because I am at that point as well. I just came up with an idea for myself and that is to use a no cash advance credit card to have the freedom to spend on things I need/want but not be able to access cash. I can easily transfer money to my credit card…[Read more]

        • Hi Tam thanks for your response. I am sorry you are going through the same situation. Your idea sounds great if you are not able to access cash but can at least get the other items you need / want. My situation is a bit different if I have cash i dont use it to gamble its the online games that are my problem, so its better I draw cash and keep…[Read more]

      • Thanks Serenity for the advise, I have come to a decision. We discussed this further a few nights later and I saw just the extent of how upset this makes him. It broke my heart to see and that image in my mind is what I will focus on. He is a reasonable man however I need to learn to gain control of my own finances so will contribute as I normally…[Read more]

  • bbgirl changed their profile picture 10 months ago

  • bbgirl posted an update 10 months ago

    One day is all it takes, one day to put yourself further behind than before. One day to break someones final trust. One day that adds up with the thousands of others to take you into the pit of destruction and regret. One day that takes months to recover from. Sometimes we wish we could hit the rewind button and undo all the wrong choices we made.…[Read more]

  • bbgirl posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Not sure who may be needing this message so im just putting it out there. Jehova Jira my provider. His grace is sufficient for me. This is profound for me. Even when we mess up and do stupid things. God is still our provider and his grace is sufficient for us. I had wasted all my money and knew that the rest of the month would be long until I…[Read more]

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Thanks Dan we will all help each other. Our actions will be our own but we have a safe place to speak to others in the same situations.

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Thats great Dan. You are stronger than you think. You can do this. When I read your post I read that you undertand the position you are in. You understand your actions habe consequences and you undertand you need to change. That my friend is what you need to bring those changes about. I believe you are capable.

  • bbgirl posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Gambling is just the strangest thing. It affects your mind so deeply. When you are winning you don’t belive there is a problem. When you’ve lost your last cent you know there is. The mind shifts from moments of clarity to utter oblivion. Ones emotions are on a roller coaster which never stops. It takes a grip like no other and is as destructive…[Read more]

    • It sounds like you are on the right path. Stay strong and keep these thoughts in your mind

      • Thanks Dan we will all help each other. Our actions will be our own but we have a safe place to speak to others in the same situations.

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    I understand. Im in exactly the same boat. Hadnt played in a while then gave in won lots and lost it all again with more. I feel so angry at myself no words can explain.

    • Literally what I did! I always need to keep going for more! I’m so damn mad at myself it’s unreal! I shouldn’t be surprised but I am , I’m surprised I’m this damn thick headed and stupid! I’m ruining my life and everyone around me including my kids. It’s horrible.
      I’m so
      Sorry you are dealing with the same. I don’t want anyone to feel this low ..…[Read more]

      • I unfortunately know this experience all to well.. I’ve been dealing with a gambling addiction for decades. Here is what I have learned. The situation you are in can’t be changed right now. It happened and no amount of stress and beating yourself will change it. In order to start to go in a positive direction and heal from this you have to get som…[Read more]

        • Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I know you are so right. I just keep thinking what’s going to happen when the bills and mortgage come in and the money is gone . I so appreciate all the feedback.. this is a lonely place . I keep thinking that no one in their right mind would throw away this much money in one night, especially someone living p…[Read more]

          • 1st your not alone. It’s a shitty place to be. I’m only sharing my experiences and what I’ve learned in order for me to survive. I want more for you eventually but it’s important for you to survive right now. You can start on fixing the shit later. For you and your family

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    Thanks will check it out

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    Thanks Jenny still going strong for the first time in ages I have money in my account by the second of the month. Feels great to not be stressing how I will survive for the month. My unhealthy relationship with money needs to be sorted but feeling better .

  • bbgirl posted a new activity comment 11 months, 4 weeks ago

    restore my values- That is powerful as we loose ourselves along the way

  • bbgirl posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 11 months, 4 weeks ago

    Okay so I have been playing online games for a while now. There seems to be moments of clarity however when online all sense of reason seems to escape me. I am tired of the sleepless nights trying to recuperate losses and the feelings of despair and disappointment in myself and to others. I have blocked my online profile this morning with the…[Read more]

    • Good for you bbgirl

      • Thanks Jenny still going strong for the first time in ages I have money in my account by the second of the month. Feels great to not be stressing how I will survive for the month. My unhealthy relationship with money needs to be sorted but feeling better .

    • Hello bbgirl,

      Good job for self-ban and self-intervening! In case you are looking for self-help resources, here is a mobile app digital treatment program for people with gambling disorder that will be available soon. Feel free to learn more about it here: https://skinnerapp.wixsite.com/helloskinner
      Let me know if you have any questions as well!


  • bbgirl changed their profile picture 6 years, 7 months ago

  • bbgirl became a registered member 6 years, 7 months ago


      +16043053538 USA
      email kkdawsun gmail com