Active 1 months, 2 weeks ago-
Tam posted a new activity comment 1 months, 2 weeks ago
I understand what your going through, I also have acquired such a huge amount of debt in the same year I won an insane amount of money. How is this possible besides the impulse to continue gambling? I got an app to quit gambling called “Recover me” app. It uses cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and guides you through a pretty thorough…[Read more]
Tam posted an update in the group
Community 1 months, 2 weeks ago
Does the chatroom no longer work? Ever since I said I would be here to check in every Tuesday hoping to speak live with another gambling addict rather feel completely alone in this every day… literally I cannot reenter the chat since I wrote that. I was like omfg is this some sick fate? Anyway, hopefully the chat still works but I still cannot…[Read more]
Tam posted an update in the group
Community 7 months, 2 weeks ago
I need a sponsor. I need someone to talk to when I want to gamble or possibly do some sort of step work with. I am a legit impulsive gambler, I go when I am ahead with money and lose it all but never really ahead because I owe thousands back from borrowing from gambling. I don’t just go for fun. Sometimes I go because I am arguing with my husband…[Read more]
Tam posted a new activity comment 7 months, 3 weeks ago
I am going through this very same thing. I need my husband to take all access to money for me because I am at that point as well. I just came up with an idea for myself and that is to use a no cash advance credit card to have the freedom to spend on things I need/want but not be able to access cash. I can easily transfer money to my credit card…[Read more]
Hi Tam thanks for your response. I am sorry you are going through the same situation. Your idea sounds great if you are not able to access cash but can at least get the other items you need / want. My situation is a bit different if I have cash i dont use it to gamble its the online games that are my problem, so its better I draw cash and keep…[Read more]
Tam posted an update 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Everytime I am down I ask God to please help me get back to what I had etc..I feel it’s wrong to ask God but then again, he knows my struggles. Then when I am up I feel like I defy him by gambling back what I was so stressed to lose in the first place.
It’s like God sends these little life boats and I just sink them one by one…..I just want to…[Read more] -
Tam posted a new activity comment 9 months, 3 weeks ago
I am so in your boat Jenny. I just won 13k after consolidatimg my loans and then I compulsively shopped to try and justify all the money I almost lost gambling to win, then I went and gambled have of it away again and now I am flat broke…..it is an absurd addiction. I can’t tell whether I .addicting to winning, my net or simply the gamble but I…[Read more]
Tam posted a new activity comment 1 years, 4 months ago
For me, what helps right now is hearing other people’s stories and realizing this is a real problem. Not just for me . Now that I can see that for others as well, I am kinda like hey ” I have that problem too” now I can work on trying to solve it. Not sure how yet myself but I am hoping if I fill my mind with the red flags of gambling causing so…[Read more]
Tam posted a new activity comment 1 years, 4 months ago
I am the same. This is my first time on this site. First time admitting how serious my problem is this week and first time trying to figure out how to quit…mine is more impulsive or binge gambling. Which now I kinda recognize the pattern. I try controlled gambling, small bets etc like I am teasing myself before I just get to the point it’s isn’t…[Read more]
Tam posted a new activity comment 1 years, 4 months ago
You must cut the past away and walk free from it
Hi Tam. I also find it frustrating my situation is no one is online when I enter the chat rooms so I use this platform to remind myself of the situation we find ourselves in. That does help somewhat.
I joined last week because I wanted a live chat option that would allow me to chat when I had the urge to spin. Unf like you the chat option does not work for me. Very disappointed and frustrated.