• Csab123 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 weeks, 2 days ago

    Really devastated. Just sold precious jewelry that was handed down to me. I’m a mess! What have I done!! I can’t tell anyone and it’s eating me up. My debts are outrageous I don’t see hope or light. Has anyone gotten out of the financial mess they caused? I am dying inside:(

    • Csab123, the only way out of this mess we get ourselves into is hard work and I also put a certain portion of my salary into my parent’s account to limit my access to cash, and if I did not have that to fall back on, my relapse would have been even more devastating. Hope this little piece of advice helps, but that is the only way I was able to get out of my situation.

      • Thank you! That’s a really smart idea. I’ve been really isolating myself because I’m so depressed over what I’ve done . I’m going to try your method. Thanks again.