We ask that in using the Gamtalk Chat that you…
• Show consideration and respect to others
• Give thought to how your messages may be viewed and perceived by others
• Do not upload images or add links to messages that may be deemed inappropriate
• Read the Chat Rules below
Try to avoid discussing wins and/or losses
Chat Rules
By entering a Gamtalk Chat room you agree not to post any messages that:
• Are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws
• Contradict the purpose or theme of the specific Chat Room
• Advertises or contains links to any service in conflict to GamTalk or problem gambling support in general or contains promotional material for any commercial organisation
• Make inflammatory comments or accusations directed at any individual or specific organisation
• Discloses the identity or contact details of any person without their explicit and prior consent
• Seeks to engage interaction with Gamtalk users for the use or purpose of research or subsequent publication. All media enquiries should be directed to info@GamTalk.org
It is strictly forbidden for Gamtalk users to create multiple usernames, we can identify multiple usernames through IP address and will ban individuals who create them.
The managers of Gamtalk reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any chat for any reason