• stephann posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Hi.I need some advice on what to do here.I have a major gamb prob i can admit that been to many GA mtgs and never stick it out.The amount of $ ive blown is just insane.Taking out cc withdrawels cashing checks to the point ive over drawn this wkend spent my entire paycheck this wk and borrowed $ from my Dad.Im in a mess right now.I have my own…[Read more]

    • I’d say therapy might help

    • Maybe family counselling would help. If you are able to get your family to go.
      Gambling I think in part is because of the dissatisfaction of something in our lives. And to stay away a person needs to create a new way of life in a sense.
      We can’t get back what we have lost but we can keep ourselves from losing more.

    • You’re not alone.. I swore I was stopping. Promised my family and this week I’ve lost so much money . Was up all night trying to win it back and I only lost more. I’m in Hell and I don’t know how to get out:( I’ve borrowed from everyone and took a cash advance on all my credit cards plus my husbands . How will this get paid back, I’ll never know.…[Read more]

  • Serenity posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    I found a long article online which I feel was good to read.
    I found it easy to identify with this person and they are a good writer.
    Andy Bellatti MS, RD
    19 min read
    Dec 19, 2018



    On my Facebook profile, there’s a photo — posted on July 16, 2017 at 6:59 AM — of a stunning sunrise with the following caption: “Waking…[Read more]

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    I gambled 2 days ago $40 that was over my limit I said only $25/ month but I spent $40, today I wanted to gamble again but I stopped myself. I promised if I gambled it would only be $25 / month. Today I felt like gambling again but I didn’t so I cheated on my sobriety by gambling. I just tried it to see if I can set a limit on my gambling. I think…[Read more]

    • I just wanted to see my game again.

      • Jenny I will be the first and hopefully not the last to tell you that you do not have sobriety when it comes to being a compulsive gambler. Setting a budget number that you can gamble monthly is the farthest thing from sobriety. I have read every post you have made and while I would like to believe you have moments of clarity, the majority of…[Read more]

        • Yes I admit it won’t be sobriety if I’m gambling

        • I hope I didn’t offend you your message sounded like you were offended, I hope not I was just sharing my story. I guess it is offensive that I still gamble while everyone else is having a hard time quitting yet somehow manage. I will not be so offensive next time.

        • I gambled but I was able to stop at $100 vs stopping till I had $0, I think I’m doing good

    • Well Jenny you are to be commended for slowing down with your gambling.
      You know we just can’t gamble we don’t know when to quit. Even if it’s at snail pace it can excel very quickly.
      It’s a process stopping a lot of self talk. And as BT suggests getting yourself some counselling would likely benefit you also. I know I could use some counsel…[Read more]

      • BT suggested I check in to an in-patient treatment center not counseling while I do hear she’s got some valid points regarding my sobriety, I don’t think I need to check in to an in-patient treatment center. It’s still early in my recovery and perhaps i shouldn’t have shared the fact that i gambled to you guys before i told my therapist but i…[Read more]

        • You are doing well seeing a therapist. You have a will to stay away from gambling and that’s a good start. Good that a treatment centre helped BT. There’s options and it’s good too know them weather we chose to use them or if we need them or not.

          • Yes I was kind of offended that she said I might benefit from a treatment center I don’t im that far gone.

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    To think right means to think the opposite of wrong. If we are not happy with someone close to us, thinking bad about them is wrong. Thinking right is to think about contentment and love, then to pray about contentment and love.
    Second, to allow anxiety or anger to rule us is wrong. To think right consider having a couple of Bible verses in your…[Read more]

  • Serenity posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 months, 4 weeks ago

    It’s been really quiet here since Ken has passed away.
    The chat with a councillor isn’t here anymore.
    Maximus had a few posts as representing this site.
    There are over 8000 people signed up and no help for people working with getting gambling under control.
    This site is sponsored by casino owner (government).
    Where’s the help ?

    • Yes…..I miss Ken a lot and I know his family does and so do the many people on this site.

    • Was Ken a volunteer councillor

      • We share in missing Ken.
        I always assumed Ken was paid by this site.
        I’m uncertain if he was though.
        If he did give his time freely that was very generous of him. Even if he was paid he was still very generous.
        Ken’s family must miss him very much.
        As well the people who frequent this site.
        I hope the administrator of this site is able to…[Read more]

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months ago

    With the 1-2 habit, we write down 1-2 key things from an article. To triple its effectiveness set an alarm to review these key items every 30 minutes. Obviously, this only works when you are more alone and can review the key things for a few minutes. But, those are the times when temptation ramps up.

    Second, Galatians 5:1 ESV “For freedom Ch…[Read more]

  • Serenity posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months ago

    From my favourite trauma recovery coach

    In my quest for recovery, I stumbled upon a profound realization: my false belief; that strength meant keeping my emotions locked away – oh how wrong I was. You see, I feared rejection, criticism, and abandonment, believing they would shatter me if I dared to expose my vulnerabilities.

    I reached a…[Read more]

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months ago

    Yesterday was bad. To fight back I prayed the following prayers back to back repeatedly:

    “Lord, help me to love.”

    “Father, help me to be tough.”

    “Father, help me to turn from sin and gambling.”

    “Father, show me Your will.”

    Every time I started to think about bad stuff, I started to pray these prayers again. When we fight back, pro…[Read more]

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    Today I’m grateful for everything I have in my life, im thankful for my mom who is more than supportive, friends who are present and work for keeping me busy. Life is good. My addiction to online gambling has stopped, but I still think of gambling, I just can’t and that’s a good thing.

    • I’m feeling great full because my money went to other things besides gambling for a change. I got to pay my bills, pay for a movie and bought lunch for myself 2 days in a row

  • frog2255 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    It is scary the power of an addiction to gambling has over a person. I was just sitting watching the news and the urge to gamble swept over me. It brings a happy feeling….. unfortunately not the depresssion that comes after going to the casino……

    • A person has to remind them selves of the unrest that gambling brings.
      It sounds like you are doing well.
      I’m hanging in there also.
      I think about gambling much less now. But I still do think about it. The urges have softened to almost nothing just a thought that comes for a minute and leaves just a quickly once in awhile.
      It’s been just ove…[Read more]

    • It is scary. I’m happy you are aware of it though. Many times in my life the urge would come and I wasn’t aware enough to recognize it was even there. It was all so automatic.

    • I pray all of us can stay away for good but knowing me I typically give in to my urges so never gambling seems unrealistic for me but I hope it will not ruin my life

      • I’ve been told by therapists that the best way to look at it is you can gamble but you choose not to. It takes away the power of the addiction and gives you the power to decide if you want to continue gambling. Just a different way of thinking. I hope it helps

      • Jenny there are different stages to stopping it seems. At one point I felt as you do. Now instead of telling myself I may go back. I think why would I want to.
        This takes time and I don’t think any of the effects of abstinence can be skipped.
        I appreciate reading your thoughts and your experiences.

      • You’ll figure it out Jenny.
        Sounds like you have some really good people in your life. That’s beautiful!

  • Durr posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    Spiritual Ideas
    The Bible says to think about things that are noble. Noble thoughts are majestic, awesome thoughts. Today we can think: God has a plan for me, or, God has a great plan for me, if I sit around thinking about problems, triggers, money… I may miss the majestic plan He has for me.
    The Bible says, “For although they knew God, they d…[Read more]

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    I really hate losing money so why do I still keep buying scratch and win tickets?

    • Buying scratch tickets after stopping slots.
      There’s still the excitement of a possible win.
      I had bought the odd one after stopping playing slots. I also had no luck on them I stopped with the scratch tickets right away as that wasn’t where my true addiction lyes. And I didn’t want another problem .
      it’s a dream ,a hope for some quick money.…[Read more]

  • Dan posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    If anyone needs to get together in Washington or Oregon to meet in person before or during a meeting let me know. I hope everyone is doing well. Remember it’s just a day at a time. We can do this. I promise 😉

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    I plan on going to school in Jan 2025, therefore I need credit to pay for school. The bank says it’ll take 6 months of consistent payments to see if I can apply for an increase in my credit card. I just have to be patient and pray my plans of paying off my visa comes true.

  • Steve posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    look at the car the person has who runs the store you buy tickets from…it helped me think about not-gambling a little…everyone wins but me

  • Steve posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    had to come today i have been able to not bet for 4 weeks and this day too so far. I have been checking pick 2,3 4 nunbers to prove to myself that itrs only a loss…but today i saw numbers I always chose come up for a good win and i didnt bet!! its an evil trick I know as before i quit numbers came up soooo often just one away.to trickme back…[Read more]

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    I just wanna fast forward time to when I’ll be debt free

    • I say that all the time. Time flies when you don’t think about it. But I wish it was 2028 right now.

      • Good for you bigheart, 2028 is when you plan to be debt free? Good for you, I just started planning to pay off debt I haven’t started paying off my visa yet, im only making interest payments on my loan so no real payments yet on March 20 I plan on putting a chunk of my pay towards my visa

        • I spoke to the bank they say it’ll take 2 years to improve my credit score where I stand huh I wish it was already 2 years sigh

        • I keep falling off the wagon, I said I was going to quit going to casinos 3 years ago, I’m at the end of the rope in debt now. I didn’t have self control. So mad at myself. I wish I was getting better.
          Are you from Ontario? Looking for somebody to go to GA meetings with.

          • you are a good person just you gambled….
            have a shwoer and go for a coffee in a pace where there are no scratches of casinos and writer how much you wills ave by not going and the load off your mind it will be after you realize in 2 month youll have 1000’s more to spend on real things I have 700 in bank right now which is more than I’ve had for…[Read more]

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    I don’t know why I keep buying scratch and win tickets, it’s like throwing money away

    • gambling is like financial cancer

      • Jernny hang in there i stopped for a month so far…..i was so eager to buy then my mind would take over and id buy more and more all afternoon. We lie to ourselves. I have for eyars.
        But you are important and loved find a thera[pist that can work too. Im seeing one this week,

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    I took out another $200 loan just to get by till payday bout a lotto ticket and a $3 scratch and win ticket so spent $13 on that, after gas of $75 im left wit $125 so I bought lunch with $20 now im left with $100

  • Jenny posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    Yesterday was hard I ended up leaving my house to go to the casino but my card was not working so I couldn’t pull out any cash so I ended up sleeping instead. Today my brother brought up a topic I forgot, homeownership, so I started looking at my bank account I have less than $30 after bills from loans and phone bills plus gas. I gave $200 to my…[Read more]

    • This is hard, I can’t even save, I need to pay off my debt from gambling

    • Hi Jenny
      I’m sorry you had a difficult day. I’ve been there also where I wanted to continue gambling and my card wouldn’t allow it.
      It’s a blessing in disguise.
      On the upside you were able to pay down some debt. That’s got to feel good.
      I know having a small amount of money left makes things difficult for you. I’ve been there also.
      All on its…[Read more]

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