• Paul 6869 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 years, 6 months ago

    Well. Yesterday I listened to the liar and so I got to experience another day of pain. When I wake up Wednesday it will be day 2 of abstinence from gambling. Yea m pretty confident that I have exhausted a majority of my reservations to this point. I just need to learn how to stay aware of the damn lying voice in mu head that love to tell me things like “cmon man, what’s it going to hurt to make a quick trip down to the casino?” Or “ hey buddy, it your time ! Go get your payback!” It doesn’t how much I think k win, I end up giving it all back! “ then I walk out feeling very empty inside. Trying to figure out how I can replace the money I pissed away! That is not living ! I am going to keep affirming that I will recover! No matter what amd whatever it takes. Good bless to all!!!

    • Yes Paul 6869 you are right. It is a liar and it not only wants your money, it wants to suck the life right out of you. It wants to take all of your choices away and leave you feeling helpless and alone. I’m so happy you are seeing it for what it really is. Stay strong. You’ve got this.

    • Those triggers, itchy hand feeling, I hate it. I have listened to that compulsive lying ego driving voice so many times.
      I have a yoga mat at home, and when that happens I lay down on my mat and listen to a 15 minute mediation on strength, battling addiction etc.. this is a destructive addiction, I have hated myself these past 3 yrs…sending kindness you way and support, know exactly how you feel today, stay strong and show yourself kindness today

    • God bless you too…I truly understand how that demonic voice clouds any logic. I have lost ALL–money, home, relationships, self-esteem…I hope you get strength to tell that voice to back off or f off