• diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 2 months ago

    …..The great news is these traits can be changed if we choose to work on them. Happy Holidays and Congrats on a decade of clean time!!😊❤️❤️❤️

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 2 months ago

    People like to think that addiction doesn’t discriminate but in my personal experience I’ve seen some shared traits among us but not the ones you describe. This addiction “selects” people who are bad at delaying gratification and gauging consequences . And also who tend to be impulsive and looking to escape.

    • …..The great news is these traits can be changed if we choose to work on them. Happy Holidays and Congrats on a decade of clean time!!😊❤️❤️❤️

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 2 months ago

    That’s exactly right. It’s in the rear view mirror….don’t look back. What do you want your new life to look like?? Think about things that peak your interest, a passion you used to have as a child, or something you’re just naturally good at….And if you can combine that with using it to being of service to others you’ve found your destined path…[Read more]

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 2 months ago

    YAY!! I’m so happy for you. Watch out world here you come!! Love it❤️❤️❤️

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 2 months ago

    I’m so sorry Robin. You must possess an enormous amount of strength and courage to have lived through all of that. Your job must not be done here on earth. Any ideas of what your purpose might be??

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 2 months ago

    I know it’s tough but you can’t move into the future if you’re stuck in the emotions of the past. Depression and self pity are low level feelings that separate you from the life you want. Don’t rely on your outer world to change your inner world. The change has to start from within yourself first. I don’t care how horrible your situation…[Read more]

    • Thanks Diamond. I am grateful for every day because 2 years ago I was declared brain dead from a suicide attempt. I’ve been through so much and it never seems to end for me but I’m not ungrateful just tired. My life has taken me through more than I can handle at times.

      • I’m so sorry Robin. You must possess an enormous amount of strength and courage to have lived through all of that. Your job must not be done here on earth. Any ideas of what your purpose might be??

  • diamond posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 2 months ago

    When you gamble you lose more than just your money. You lose choices in your life. You lose self respect. You lose time that should be spent pursuing your dreams. You lose connections with the people you care about. You lose sight of what’s truly important. You lose your sanity. Think about that the next time you get an urge to gamble.

    • Exactly right diamond, that’s a great strategy you have there trying to cope with urges. To repeatedly remind yourself of the reasons you wanted to quit in the first place and self-talk in moments of weakness. Also try sit it your urges for a bit, you’ll notice it peaks in intensity and gradually goes back down.

      Hello, I am a psychotherapist…[Read more]

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 2 months ago

    That’s so great.💕💕 You should be very proud of yourself. Another idea that always moves the needle toward happiness and out of your own head is doing a random act of kindness for someone else. However small the act might be it makes you forget about your own problems for a while and brightens another persons day too. A real W…[Read more]

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 2 months ago

    Aren’t you tired of Day 1’s??? Why are you torturing yourself?? C’mon let’s do this thing. Find a meeting, get a sponsor, ban yourself, have no access to cash. Wanting a better life is okay but you need to take action towards it. Will power alone is not enough. This addiction is strong and progressive. And it will suck the life right out of you.…[Read more]

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    Are you ready to meet a new, better version of yourself? Confidence, trust and the life you’re truly meant to live is waiting for you but you have to say goodbye to your old self. It won’t be easy but the pain is temporary. One day at a time.

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    There is no quick fix to this addiction DP. Bankruptcy just takes your consequences away for the short term which in turn delays your healing process. I wish you the best.

    • Slots are also my “drug” of choice. I did self exclusion yesterday, so I can’t step foot in a casino for a year. I am not declaring bankruptcy, but I will be a long time paying this back.

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    Go find a good psychologist and try to figure yourself out or else in ten years you’ll be filing for bankruptcy #2.

    • There is no quick fix to this addiction DP. Bankruptcy just takes your consequences away for the short term which in turn delays your healing process. I wish you the best.

      • Slots are also my “drug” of choice. I did self exclusion yesterday, so I can’t step foot in a casino for a year. I am not declaring bankruptcy, but I will be a long time paying this back.

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    It’s open to anybody worldwide.😊

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    There are online meetings 24/7 at gamblersinrecovery.com A great way to get your daily dose of motivation and support to stay clean.😊

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    gamblersinrecovery.com has zoom meetings 24/7👍🏽👍🏽

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Serenity! So good to hear you are doing well. Are you still painting?

    • I’m doing okay. I had a lot of loses this past summer. My sister and my two birds. I plan on painting this winter. My daughter and granddaughter have kept me busy.
      How are things going for you?

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    All of the gamblers I’ve ever known have all been extremely persistent, intelligent and determined individuals but our energies were just focused in the wrong direction. Put that same passion and drive you used to use for gambling into your recovery and you will surely succeed in creating a better life for yourself. Much love and light to you.

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    That sounds great! You can also purchase a prepaid visa card which will allow you to pay for daily expenses but will not let you take cash off of it. Have a wonderful day.

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    That’s nice but think of some ways you can put some roadblocks up such as no access to cash or banning yourself because there’s going to come a day when that sign on your bedroom door will not be enough.

    • Yeah, one of my plans on my list is to send all but $200 to my friend´s acct before I go out, just in case. I keep $200 if I decide to stop at a restaurant for lunch or dinner and/or need gas. I can´t logically shut myself off of a source of all funds if I am out- in case of emergency. That, for me, is reality, because even when I don´t go to th…[Read more]

      • That sounds great! You can also purchase a prepaid visa card which will allow you to pay for daily expenses but will not let you take cash off of it. Have a wonderful day.

  • diamond posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago

    Nice…..Can’t wait to read your next poem on how it feels to be 30 days clean.😊 You’re a good writer! Keep up the great work.💕💕💕

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