• Robin posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 2 months ago

    I truly need help with my gambling addiction. I lost a very siUbstainsal amount of money last night that has left me helpless and not knowing where to turn. Any advise would help. I’ve been battling this for years and I’m at the lowest point ever. God bless each of you who knows the feeling.

    • Hang in there Im in a financial hole too. Come up with a plan. Everything will be alright and you will get out of your hole but you have to stop gambling right now. Remember the pain it had brought your life when you want to gamble again. Become sick and tired of that pain.

      • Thank you. I just put in a state exclusion application online. I have to get this under control. I’m in such a mess right now. It helps to talk to people who understand though.

        • Youre welcome. i know it hurts but We will get thru this together. Take it one day at a time.

        • Hi Robin
          If you find talking with people who understand you may I suggest you find a gamblers anonymous meeting in your area
          as everyone in those rooms at some have been where you are today. And there are lots of folks there willing to share their experience strength and hope with you.
          God Bless
          Ken L Your Brother In Recovery


    • There are no gamblers anonymous groups where I live but I have looked into doing Zoom meetings. I’m kinda old fashioned so I have to learn about all this stuff but I’m trying Thank you.

    • Hi there I’m new on here. I’m here because I don’t have anybody to talk to. Are you from Canada. So we can chat personally by phone.