• JayWill19 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 years, 4 months ago

    Hi all. This is my first time posting about my gambling problem. I’m 41 and have been battling the addiction for about 20 years. I went through a really rough time in my mid-to-late 20s and thought I finally had things under control. At the time, I sought help, reached out to family and friends to admit my problem, and started taking steps to f…[Read more]

    • I wish I could give you those magic words to make it stick this time for you it is not easy from someone that has been trying to quit half my life you need to stick with it this addiction can rune you beyond repair if you let it stay strong my friend you are not alone in this fight

      • You are definitely not alone. I decided on Dec 12,2021
        To make a change. It sucks but I know that through help and routine I can best this. I and countless others know exactly how you feel! Keep coming to this board everyone you have an urge or feel
        Helpless. It really has helped me so far. You got this!

        • Agreed, you are not alone
          . I Also relapsed over the last couple of months and I blew through my entire savings to. I will be lucky if I can keep my house if I keep it up. It is so hard to find other things to do and now the online gambling is allowed in my state I feel like I can’t get away from it