• Tina posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    My name is Tina this is my first time here I am 53 years old and I have a really bad gambling problem myself worth is zero I pray everyday that I don’t wake up the next day I don’t want to wake up anymore I can’t seem to find anything with living for makes me really sad I’m very sad person I just I just hope everybody would pray for me cuz if this is it while it’s that’s a miserable place to be

    • Hi Tina !
      I hope you’re doing ok, this is the best place to be we all are struggling with our addiction here, we understand the feelings like our lives are over . But you are doing the right thing seeking help. Together we can get three threw this horrible disease.
      We lose ourselves caught up in this addictions doing things we never thought we would ever do. This is a sickness and it totally destroys every part of our lives without us even knowing it . The fact that you are here and asking for help shows that you are in there and ready to fight this battle to get healthy again be proud of yourself for reaching out . Be strong you’ve got this and we are all here if you need us.

    • Hi Tina,

      Good for you for taking the first step and seeking support for yourself by coming to this platform. Your self-worth will be gradually rebuilt as you stay gamble-free day by day. Self-worth is not made out of nothing, it’s usually based on what you’ve accomplished and what you believe you can do. Ask yourself what is important for you in life and if what you are doing right now is in line with what you value, that can be a good place to start. I’d be happy to elaborate more, hope it helps.
      I am a psychotherapist who has had experience working with people with gambling addiction in the hospital. I am trying to build an self-help app that is a digital treatment program so that people can access effective, quality help they would get in a therapy room, for example. If that sounds like something you would want to exist, please check out the landing page (https://skinnerapp.wixsite.com/helloskinner) to know more about the app and sign up to express your interest so that I can make it happen faster. You are also welcome to offer your insights and suggestions.

    • Tina I feel just like you! My husband and kids work so hard and I just flush all their hard work down the toilette for a little rush and even smaller chance I’ll win anything back. I could’ve put my kid through college with the amount I’ve lost and every week I’m borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. When I think of what I’ve done I can’t believe it. I came clean to my family last year and promised I’d never gamble again … well low and behold a new online casino popped up and I said I’d just do the free bonus and thousands of dollars later I’m maxed out again on all my credit cards and not paying anything since I have just enough for our bills every week. I can’t tell my family because I’m so ashamed and they will not forgive me this time.. I’ve betrayed their trust so badly. My silice is just seeing that I’m not alone and that some do make it out.
      I guess and plus is that we both came here. You are not alone! You could do this .. we need to have some hope and support . Feel free to reach out to me and much luck to you💜

      • I just don’t understand why there is such a craving inside of me that wants to go and knock my self down I know that nothing will come out good going to casino it doesn’t matter how much 8 win cause I’m leaving with nothing…I have no one to explain anything to about my finances i don’t know if thats a good thing or not ? I usually get my unemployment tonight so as I’m sitting here writing on this wall about gamblers anonymous in my mind I’m waiting for that money to hit so I can go to the damn casino so there’s something really wrong with that

        • Urges can be tough. I e stayed away for a couple of months now. And today this evening. I keep having urges to gamble. I keep putting myself in check. Luckily I’ve banded myself closed my accounts online. And I haven’t been to a live casino in years.
          The fact that I have placed check stops in the way of gambling is really helping. I’m not excluded from all sites but the steps to reopen an account definitely not worth it.
          I really don’t want to go to sleep tonight with regret or wake up tomorrow with regret.
          I think the urges should pass soon. I’ve felt good about not gambling of course it hasn’t solved all my money issues but I know I’m not making them any worse and I plan on working towards fixing the financial issues I have at the present. It may take me awhile but I see it as doable.