• nicolep posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years ago

    Today is day 1 for me. I know i need to stop because the anxiety from all of this is going to kill me. i don’t sleep. i don’t eat – i’ve lost like 15 pounds since the beginning of the year because i cant get myself to eat. I came clean to my husband last month because i let our financial situation get so bad and he was able to help me out — but i completely fell off the wagon this month and i spent everything he had helped me get back. now i’m terrified to tell him again because i’m so scared he’s going to leave me over this and take our 1 year old. i just feel so alone

    • I promised my husband I would stop. I’m right there with you about being afraid.

      • Hi Nicolep.I can relate to you with the anxiety gamb causes and even more so the sleep problems.I been gamb 34 yrs it started out i would wake in middle of night and realize omg what have i done many yrs of that has caused mw to develop insomnia which i now wake at 3 am every morning and cannot fall back asleep.I have to carry on all Day being exhausted.

    • Hi Nicolep. I totally understand. After the first time I went to my husband he helped me pay off a few things and helped me set up a budget to get myself out of the rest of my debt. A few months later I had to go to him again because I found myself in a horrible spot with payday loans. I was so worried to tell him because I knew he would be upset and disappointed. He was very kind and forgiving. He gave me a loan (we have sep bank accounts) to pay off my loans. Shortly after I paid him back I found myself once again in the online gambling cycle. I hit a breaking point that I finally was ready to give up gambling. IIt took me a while to get up the nerve to go to my husband yet again. I was worried he would be angry and would give up on me. I wrote him a letter telling him that I was in trouble again. This time though I went to him not for a bail out financially but rather to have someone help me overcome my addiction and to be my rock. I told him exactly what I needed him to do to help me. After writing the letter we went about life as usual as if I had never written a letter. Finally after a few weeks he was finally ready to talk to me about my gambling problem. His words were so kind. He told me that he loved me and would always take care of me. He said we are a team. I have been gambling free for just over 2 months and feel closer to my husband than I ever have.
      You will feel so much better if you tell your husband. I am sure your husband loves you and will stick by your side to help you through this. It is hard to get up the courage but it will take away a big part of the stress if he knows. This is a tough thing to go through. Take it one day at a time.

      • Browniegrl you really have a good relationship with your husband. That’s so beautiful!

        • Thank you Serenity! I feel very blessed. It hasn’t always been easy. He was in the military for 23 years and each time he came back from a deployment it was like starting over as we both changed so much in the time we were apart.

      • Browniegrl i just want to say thank you for your encouraging words. Between your response and attending my first GA meeting on Friday, I decided it was time to buck up, and come clean to my husband. You were right — he was so much more understanding, gentle and kind than I was expecting him to be. He reminded me that in our vows we promised to always tackle problems as a team no matter good or bad. Now that my secret is out in the open, I swear I feel a thousand times lighter and less stressed. Thank you again for your words