• nicolep posted a new activity comment 11 months, 4 weeks ago

    Browniegrl i just want to say thank you for your encouraging words. Between your response and attending my first GA meeting on Friday, I decided it was time to buck up, and come clean to my husband. You were right — he was so much more understanding, gentle and kind than I was expecting him to be. He reminded me that in our vows we promised to…[Read more]

  • nicolep posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 12 months ago

    Today is day 1 for me. I know i need to stop because the anxiety from all of this is going to kill me. i don’t sleep. i don’t eat – i’ve lost like 15 pounds since the beginning of the year because i cant get myself to eat. I came clean to my husband last month because i let our financial situation get so bad and he was able to help me out — but…[Read more]

    • I promised my husband I would stop. I’m right there with you about being afraid.

      • Hi Nicolep.I can relate to you with the anxiety gamb causes and even more so the sleep problems.I been gamb 34 yrs it started out i would wake in middle of night and realize omg what have i done many yrs of that has caused mw to develop insomnia which i now wake at 3 am every morning and cannot fall back asleep.I have to carry on all Day being exhausted.

    • Hi Nicolep. I totally understand. After the first time I went to my husband he helped me pay off a few things and helped me set up a budget to get myself out of the rest of my debt. A few months later I had to go to him again because I found myself in a horrible spot with payday loans. I was so worried to tell him because I knew he would be…[Read more]

      • Browniegrl you really have a good relationship with your husband. That’s so beautiful!

        • Thank you Serenity! I feel very blessed. It hasn’t always been easy. He was in the military for 23 years and each time he came back from a deployment it was like starting over as we both changed so much in the time we were apart.

      • Browniegrl i just want to say thank you for your encouraging words. Between your response and attending my first GA meeting on Friday, I decided it was time to buck up, and come clean to my husband. You were right — he was so much more understanding, gentle and kind than I was expecting him to be. He reminded me that in our vows we promised to…[Read more]