• moonbeams posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 5 months ago

    I am an absolute mess today. I can’t stop crying about the money I lost. My husband is going to leave me when I tell him and I’m so distraught and angry with myself. Why am I like this? Why is it that thousands of dollars seems like Pennie’s until it’s all gone. I hope this feeling goes away soon. I hope my husband can forgive me and is willing to support me in the help I need. I’m tired of feeling so alone..

    • I felt the same way. I spoke to my husband bout it today. I am being open with him and he understands that I have a problem. The fact that you are here is a good sign that you want help. You can get through this.

    • Big hugs ❤️

    • Hi.I can relate to you all to well.Today is only 2 days and im still feeling awful for all the $ ive lost 10k$ in less than 3 months.I dont seem to care how much $ i blow on lottery tixs and i even spent my Moms pay last Sat she works with me everyday and i have to make up for it this wk.Gamb is a hard thing to talk about because other people dont understand it.My husband is aware and as of yesterday has been taking my checks i have my own business and get paid daily.Throughout the course of my Gamb yrs which started when i was 13 im 46 now ive lost hundreds of thousands to Gamb all lottery tixs.I wish u the best.I really feel for u the pain is awful afterwards.❤

    • I’m a rookie too keep on trying as ppl tell me

    • Hey how did it go when you told your husband. Mine is disappointed in me

      • My husband was beyond disappointed 😔 now I have to rebuild our trust and I feel like a failure. I wish he would leave so he wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore, but he says he wants to stay and work things out. So long Christmas though 😪