• Seeking.freedom posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 6 months ago

    Yesterday I held myself accountable to those I care about and the ones I’ve hid my addiction of gambling from. I felt extremely vulnerable to put myself out there and explain to my friends and family what I’ve been doing for some time. The initial question from almost all of them was “why?” But talking to them explaining what was happening to me and how it haunted me and tormented me if I didn’t gamble they seemed to have sympathy and expressed their concerns and asked how they could help. I say this because if you are hiding it, make yourself accountable to those you care about. For me I feel at this point there is no going back. It’s one thing to give up on myself, but another to give up on those I love. Have a good weekend everyone and stay strong!

    • Well done Seeking
      I know when I came clean with my family it was the beginning of my recovery and I apricated their love and support.
      And in recovery rooms they say We are only as sick as our secrets so the sooner we get rid of them the sooner we can
      start to recover and develop a better way of living and thinking.