• Lilly71 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 10 months ago

    Not doing good i have fallen off the wagon over and over , horrible thoughts keep coming into my head and i feel know way of ever fixing all that I have ruined and continue to ruin … so sad i just want to cry.. šŸ™

    • Hi Lily
      Iā€™m sorry you are feeling down.
      I lost count of how many times I said I wasnā€™t going back and I did.
      This is the longest Iā€™ve stayed away in years. No bets in the last month one slip in three months.
      It has taken myself time to get here. I have self excluded that ran out and I was back again because I thought I could control the betting. For some crazy reason maybe I e been burnt enough times and hopefully Iā€™ve learnt my lesson. Iā€™ve been able to stay away. Have you considered getting a bet blocker like Gamban It blocks pretty much all of the sites.
      I hope you consider it. You deserve better that the way you feel right now. Probably by this point you know of most of the tools to help stay away.
      Anyways thinking of you. Things will work out because youā€™ll make them. Hugs.

    • Hi, i feel the same. I feel like there’s no way out of this but just to put out my misery. Bad thoughts keep coming and coming. All the regrets, and shame. It feels like there is no tomorrow and feels like I am going to be stuck here for all my life. 😭

      • Long Lang you will get there. You just have to take yourself there. It makes me feel really sad knowing you are suffering.
        Iā€™ve been where you are right now and sometimes I glance back and I shouldnā€™t. We canā€™t change the past. But we sure can work on the future. I donā€™t know giving up gambling feels like youā€™re going to lose something. Truth is thatā€™s already done. I think giving up gambling is truly winning something. A peace of mind. Yeah thereā€™s make up time but itā€™s gotta start some where. Hugs and much ❤️