I was introduced to Gambling by my ex Husband and in order to be with him I went to where he was. After we split, I kept going for familarity sake and to escape the lonliness. Then when my life became stressful it was to hide from the stress. After it was to escape my anxiety and my mind from over thinking. After awhile I spent all my savings and I am now in debt . Everyday I am ashamed for spending all my hard earned money and I am now trying to rebuild my life back and to stay ahead of the debt. I feel like I’m drowing and still struggling to stay away from gambling. I have my relapses, but I am gradually replacing the addiction with the reality of what it does to you, so that now I feel that escape is a bad feeling, not an exciting place. I also often thought that due to the extreme pain of my divorce and the sheer weight of responsibilities and the loneliness that I felt during the years after I used the casino as a place i could escape the world. I would escape loneliness and the harsh reality that my life was a lie. Now I feel that I am awaking from this dream, but I will need help as the Casino is a very addicting destrcutive place.
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