• Patty posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    I use to go online gambling every day sometimes more than 2x a day especially at night spending money I didn’t have spending bill money I took my children especially my daughter. Tell me realize that I have a problem. There are so much I wanna talk about but I feel there’s not enough time in a day.

    • Hello Patty,

      Maybe you could try to adopt a different nighttime routine if you notice that you tend to gamble at night. Do something different from what you’d usually do, see if that changes things. Is it because you are alone? Is it because you are bored? Is it because you are tired? Try to problem-solve if those are the triggers that would lead you to gamble. Hope it helps!

      I am a psychotherapist who has had experience working with patients with gambling disorder in the hospital. I am trying to create a product where people can access the same kind of treatment they would get in a therapy room by adapting therapeutic material into a mobile app so that those struggling with gambling addiction who are therapy-hesitant or therapy-deprived can get effective, quality help. If that sounds like something you would want to exist, please check out our landing page to know more about the app and sign up to tell us your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to read this, please know that your show of interest is pivotal to the development of this product.
      Here’s the website: https://skinnerapp.wixsite.com/helloskinner

      • The online gambling is what has destroyed me as well. I do it everyday… I know how you feel. It’s so distressing and an at the point that I’ve had to let my credit cards default because I need to pay the mortgage and have spent all the money we had. If you want to chat ever feel free to message me and I wish you the best of luck and your recovery.