• @betterme posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 1 months ago

    I have lost so much money the last 5 years … and I just keep chasing the losses. I used to be so focused on building a good life. I used to be able to gamble what I brought and stop. I had limits.. the last 5 years have been brutal. After the pandemic it is like money no longer mattered to me. I have lost so much money and I keep going back. I have alienated my brother, given my mom too much to worry about, lost friends … I’ve moved to a different state and the addiction follows; there are casinos everywhere. I read the posts and I manage to stay away for a bit then I go back. A
    I have thought I’d hit rock bottom a few times but I found deeper bottoms.

    • @betterme
      Sorry you are going through so much with gambling. I have also. Gambling seems to desensitize a person of the value of money.
      I found self excluding myself worked the best to keep myself away from gambling. I’ve been trying to stop for a very long time. Gambling certainly gets a grip on a person as you have realized.
      I am able to stay away now without self exclusion but it has taken sometime too get where I am mentally.
      I don’t miss it. I don’t miss losing my hard earned money.
      There is self exclusion which can work really well, gamblers anonymous meetings real or virtual. I has a problem with both live casinos, bars then later online. There is an app for online gambling gambet. It costs around $50 a year first week is free.
      What I have found a person needs to do a lot of self reasoning. Clearly gambling hasn’t made you money. For the vast majority that is the case.
      Set goals for yourself and try to reach them.
      A person needs to find it within themselves to try. Gambling has hurt too many people.
      This site is here and people are listening and care.
      Stopping is a one day at a time thing. Hugs

      • Thank you for taking the time to write this. One day at a time is an easier than it sounds. I have become too numb to the losses. It seems it has become a norm. It is insane.

        • I don’t know what gambling can take from a person. It’s not worth it best to stop before there’s too much lost. I hope you can find that within yourself. You are worth more than gifting your hard earned money too the lottos or casinos.