• Melissa posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 4 months ago

    I’m new here. My addiction started when I was taking care of my dad, uncle and soon to be my mom. My dad was sick, put on hospice he was my world. Then my uncle got sick, me and my mom had to stay nights and days with both of them. We took turns on who would stay. I got no sleep, when it was my turn with my uncle. He would not sleep at all. I stayed with him the most because my mom needed more sleep then me. I remember the summer of 2020 no sleep, not seeing my family at all. The feeling of needing something. So I started playing the lottery games online. Then come September my uncle took a fall broke my moms Tiba bone in her leg. Then I had 3 people to care for. So I played the games even more. A few weeks later my uncle died, then two months later my dad died. I still had my mom I was caring for. With all the stress I played all the time. My husband never knew till last week. His job requires a security clearance. During this time I’ve taken out loans, credit cards in his name. I had to come clean and tell him about my addiction and that we are $27,000 in debt. I’ve thought about suicide, packing up and leaving during the past couple of years. Since coming clean my husband has been very supportive. I’m trying my best, I know I’ve hit rock bottom. Just hope I can survive. Sorry for the long post just needed to get this off my chest.

    • Melisa’s, I know the weight caused by the debt, guilt, shame, feelings of isolation, aloneness. Pair those feelings with the seemingly endless cycle that’s addiction, it can feel insurmountable and that it’d be easier to disappear, sparing those you love from needing to suffer with you.

      Sounds like your husband is a great support system, and I’m sure you have others in your circle that maybe you don’t even realize are supporters yet.

      We can’t change what we’ve done, but we can change our future.

      You can overcome this.

    • It’s ok we all have a story to tell and te reason behind our gambling addiction one day at a time we are to support each other

    • Hi Mellisa I am sorry for you loss. Your Dad and your Uncle.
      I hope your Mom is doing better now.
      You have lost money. Everyone gracing these walls has. I gotta say. Greedy, greedy gambling sites. Although I guess we should know better. I really think the take is too huge. But what can we do about it. The only thing I can think of is not play.
      Like a kid in a candy store it’s hard too resist. Problem is you pay for the candy and you don’t get too have it.
      But that’s a whole different story.
      Welcome here. After some years of experience and I hope you can do better than I have it’s difficult too quit.
      There’s different things that can help.
      Self exclusion then you know for sure you’re not going back.
      There’s a bet blocker you can install on your devices I believe there’s 4200 sites it is able too block. You set the amount of time.
      Gamblers anonymous meeting in real and virtual. I’m reading here some people are really liking the virtual meetings. I’m yet too try one.
      I really hope you can give stopping gambling your all you deserve better than that. So much is lost by gambling ❤️

    • Thank you. My husband is taking with me everyday. Even calling while he is at work to check in on me. This is a struggle but I’m taking it day by day. Since I’ve been honest with husband I feel so much better.

    • Thank you for sharing your story…. Walking with you on your journey ❤️