• Monica posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 years, 5 months ago

    Hi everyone! I’m new to this community, but I had to join in to see how others recover from gambling problems. It was fun at the beginning, but it’s not anymore, and I’m trying to quit. Any suggestions? I’m struggling big time!

    • I am just on day 3 of my journey I know I need a lot of help I am going to start a journal it did help me in the past to stay clean for over a year that was a few years back. Just write down all your thoughts for the day it does not have to be a novel everyday just some uplifting things like I can do this I need to stay strong or write what you are feeling just something to keep you grounded. Hope this helps a little stay strong we can do this.

      • Thanks a lot for your encouragement and suggestions. Good idea! I’ll start a journal today. I did well for a while, but then I relapsed and it’s now affecting my financial situation more and more. Yes, we can do this. We are strong! Thanks again and keep me posted on how you are holding up. DAY 1 for me! On day/step at a time…

        • Sure will keep you posted, glad I could be a help. I will keep you undated and you also. One day at a time and as my numbers grow my confidence should also.