• sally123 posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago

    I have had this gambling addiction for the past 25 years and he other day I spent a lot of money from my husbands account .He it really upset with me and I am afraid he will leave me if I don’t stop.I know I have to do this for myself but I don’t know how to because I have been doing it for so long.Actually I am afraid of what I will do to myself. I am so depressed.Can anyone help men before I do something stupid that will be worst than losing money.

    • Hey sally123. I have been there. Gambling by husbands money while he was at work. I’ve been a peer for about 7 years (peer just means fellow addict). One day it was so bad, I gambled ALOT and ended.up putting my entire family at risk of not paying our entire month of bills, private school, food, etc. I was suicidal with a plan. It ended up getting fooled and I’m so glad it did because I’m here now to get help and everything turned out to be okay. I found that when you are committed to getting help family members are willing to work with you. Take it minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Maybe remove yourself from your husband’s account so you dont have access to cash. It’s hard to give up that control and there are many excuses to find why you shouldn’t, you may need money in an emergency, etc. but really having the access to cash for gambling is hidden behind all those. If there is ever a dire need you can ask your husband in the moment. He may give you a hard time, citing your past gambling habits. That’s when you take it minute by minute, reach out on the gam talk. You really need a peer to talk with when your feeling like gambling. Hope this helps 💕

    • Sorry, a few typos. My auto correct and am getting the kids ready for school. Take care