• Lindy posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 years, 2 months ago

    I’m a senior and a Christian. I am married and my husband has Alzheimer’s. I’ve had a problem with playing online games for the past year or so… I need to just talk about it.

    • Hello,i too gamble online.
      My husband had an illness also where his mind was not there.
      Was not able to hold me accountable for my actions.
      I gambled to escape,it helped me alot.
      Sometimes when i just knew my world was crumbling,and everyday was like the one before.
      Gambling gave me the strength to go on.
      But then after a few years,it was me that was crumbling not my world.
      To this day i still gamble.why i truly dont know why?
      Wish for you all the strength to stay strong ,without using gambling as a medication to get through a day HUGS.

      • I can identify with what you say. My husband cannot hold me accountable but I am so sad that I can’t be honest with him. He just couldn’t understand. Lately I am so disappointed in myself, I sometimes just sit and cry. I’ve put our credit cards so high that I’m just playing catch up every month to stay afloat. I want so much to pay them off and discontinue what I’ve been doing. It was a way to pass the time and get my mind off concerns… but now the concern is gambling. I hope to be able to follow through. There’s been so many upsets this past actually two years… beginning with a serious car accident that took me months to recuperate from surgery etc… then Covid… then my husband’s diagnosis and his decline. I have to have surgery within the next couple of months, and then our son wants us to move with him to NB. Sorry to unload all that. I guess I’ve just bottled everything up because I can’t/won’t let anyone know. I am really ashamed that I’ve let it get this far… Anyway, thanks for your chat . It helps to know someone else can identify so well…. take care … Lindy

    • Our seniors are being hit the hardest before and post COVID. I think you might be using gambling as your “escape” due to all that is going on in your life and for caring for a loved one. I do understand. Feel free to email me if you need to talk. Often, seniors also retire and are not sure what to do with all the TIME they now have.
      Gambling becomes a habit as it is a slowly progressive problem that then becomes an addiction.