• lisa posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago

    I understand why they say Gambling leads to three places…jail, insanity, or death. It’s so evil! These casinos are profiting from our hard earned money and they don’t care. They prey on people’s weaknesses. Gambling is suppose to be entertaining! They have it all figured out. We are like puppets on a string in those places. The house always win. Our families, intergrity, and character are more important. Nobody ever wins there! Why is Gambling legal? It’s legal because it’s profitable. It’s all about that mighty dollar at the end of the day.

    • Yes Tara! I’m so tired of being a victim in these places. They look for signs of compulsive gambling and they prey on our weaknesses. I always feel watched in the casino. I’m just upset that it took so long to realize this.