• kenl posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 4 years, 2 months ago

    February 25 Reflection of the Day

    Before we came to Gamblers Anonymous, fear ruled our lives. Tyrannized by our addictions and obsessions, we feared everything and everybody. We feared ourselves and, perhaps most of all, feared fear itself. These days, when I am able to accept the help of my Higher Power, it makes me feel capable of doing anything I am called upon to do. I am overcoming my fears and acquiring a comfortable new confidence.

    Can I believe that “courage is fear that has said its prayers…”?

    Today I Pray
    God grant that through faith I may overcome my obsessive fears. I have been running scared for so long, it has become a habit. God help me to see that I may be purposely clinging to my fears to avoid making decisions, perhaps even to shirk the responsibility of success.

    Today I will Remember.
    Fear hides behind indecision.

    FEBRUARY 26 Reflection for the Day

    “What if…” How often we hear these words from newcomers to the Gamblers Anonymous Program. How often, in fact, we tend to say them ourselves. “What if I lose my job?” “What if my car breaks down?” “What if I get sick and can’t work?” “What if my child gets hooked on drugs?” What if – anything our desperate imaginings can project? Only two small words, yet how heavy-laden they are with dread, fear, and anxiety. The answer to “What if…” is, plainly and simply, “Don’t project.” We can only live with our problems as they arise, living one day at a time.

    Am I keeping my thoughts positive?

    Today I Pray
    May I grow spiritually, without being held back by anxieties. May projected fears not hobble my pursuits or keep me from making the most of today. May I turn out fear by faith. If I will only make a place for God within me, the presence of that Higher Power will remove my fears.

    Today I Will Remember
    I can only borrow trouble at high interest rates.