• kenl posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 4 years, 4 months ago

    December 9 Reflection for the Day

    “Difficulties are God’s errands, and when we are sent upon them, we should esteem it a proof of God’s confidence,” wrote Beecher. I’ve come to realize that my past troubles were really of my own making. Although I hardly thought so at the time, I was a primary example of what the Gamblers Anonymous Program calls “self-will run riot.” Today I’ll accept my difficulties as signposts to growth and as evidence of God’s confidence in me.

    Do I believe that God will never give me more than I can handle?

    Today I Pray
    May I believe strongly that God has confidence in me to handle my troubles, that the difficulties I must face are in direct proportion to my strength and ability to bear up and keep a cool head in a crisis. May I also understand that it is my faith in God that keeps me from crumbling.

    Today I Will Remember
    God has faith in me, because I have faith in God.

    DECEMBER 10 Reflection for the Day
    Have I ever stopped to think that the impulse to “blow off steam” and say something unkind or even vicious will, if followed through, hurt me far more seriously than the person to whom the insult is directed? I must try constantly to quiet my mind before I act with impatience or hostility, for my mind can be – in that very real way – an enemy as great as any I’ve ever known.

    Will I look before I leap, think before I speak, and try to avoid self-will to the greatest extent possible?

    Today I Pray
    May I remember that my blow-ups and explosions, when they are torrents of accusations or insults, hurt me just as much as the other person. May I try not to let my anger get to the blow-up stage, simply by recognizing it as I go along and stating it as a fact.

    Today I Will Remember
    Keep a loose lid on the teapot.