When a trigger hits it is wise to stop and think. What is happening and why is it happening. #2 Write down your thoughts and emotions in that situation. #3 Have a plan for fighting triggers. First, have a couple of prayers and start praying them fervantly.
Second, it is vital to get active in some way once you are triggered. Think of 3 physical activities. Pick the best one. But, what if you don’t feel like doing that activity? Remember, you are doing it so that you can quit and have a great life, not because you want a spectacular experience that minute. Consider saying every few minutes during your new activity:
“This plan will really help me learn how to deal with triggers.”
Finally, start giving thanks for the good things you have, and start to praise the Lord.
“Ephesians 2:10 ESV For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
You can overcome triggers and someday you will be able to help others overcome as well. That’s the purpose driven life.
Glad you talked about triggers. I appreciate the suggestions you made too. I still never know when I will be triggered, but it certainly seems much more likely when I have money to burn. No doubt things like stress, depression, or just boredom can send me the wrong direction, but having the access to cash makes the urges to gamble inevitable. It’s a coping mechanism. It’s a place to hide and not think about what the root of my real problems are. So when the trigger hits, I know you have to deal with it the best you can. Exercise, read, watch a movie or show. This all can help, but what really has to be done for the compulsive gambler is to give your finances to someone you trust to help you. If you don’t want to smoke, don’t buy cigarettes. If you truly want to stop gambling, don’t have cash. It’s hard to give up that control. But if you have lost all control in the first place, you still don’t have the money.