• bschwarz posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 5 years, 10 months ago

    Hello. So far, I’ve stayed off the websites, that encourage gambling. I’ve deleted all of the emails and marked them spam. I’ve deleted all the apps of my phone and computer. I have no meetings to go to until next Thursday, so my question is this, how do you try to explain to your family what you have done if you don’t even know yourself what and why you have done it? It’s been a long couple days of accusations, little words under their breath, harsh attitudes towards me, etc. I am having a hard time dealing with this myself, let alone all of them ‘ganging’ up on me. What do I do for the next week to get through, because with all of this negativity floating around, it makes me want to ‘log in’ somewhere or take myself to a casino to get away.

    • I think you answered your own question about explaining it to your family. You don’t know the answer to the what and the why. I suppose you could make something up to appease them, but that never works in the long run. I suspect you’ll find that answer down the road. Can they live with, “I’m trying to find the answers but I don’t have it today?” Sorry you don’t have a meeting soon. I’m one that struggles with going to GA meetings–glad it works for you.