• bbgirl posted an update 4 weeks ago

    One day is all it takes, one day to put yourself further behind than before. One day to break someones final trust. One day that adds up with the thousands of others to take you into the pit of destruction and regret. One day that takes months to recover from. Sometimes we wish we could hit the rewind button and undo all the wrong choices we made. It is never that easy though, even when we get a break we still manage to mess it all up. It is not an easy road to recovery it is a daily battle and overcoming the desires and lies that run rampant in our minds. Today I decided to take a look at my finances and to try and see the way out of this uphill struggle. It seems like a mountain in front of me. I am not sure how I will do this or move ahead. Will I ever be able to recover mentally and financially from this destruction that grabbed me and won’t let me go!