• Jewelz9797 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 4 months ago

    Hi… I am so ashamed I lost my husbands hard earned money gambling. I even got rid of my debit card so it wouldn’t be so easy. I do bring in income but lately I have been losing control. I keep doing vip checks a little at a time but i look and it added up to almost 100 in a few moments, I feel sick and so scared he will leave me. I have gone through my email and blocked all gambing emails and on my phone. I wake up in the middle of the night just t gamble. I even had my husband hold my phone. I cannot stand all the gambling commercials. I have turned into a liar and feel like a theif. I really don’t know how to break it to him I did it again….

    • I am sorry you are feeling this way. You are not alone. I went to a basketball game last week and as I looked around the stadium I noticed ad after ad for gambling sites. It is so easy to get tangled up into this. It really is a day by day issue to deal with. I too am struggling and want to talk to my husband about it but like you I am afraid of how he will react. Previously he has been upset but so supportive and loving towards me but I worry that at some point he will just walk away.

      • If it helps at all… I found that when I was afraid to tell my husband.. afraid I wouldn’t be able to find the words… I wrote my feelings etc. in a letter. That way I could take time to say exactly what I wanted to… just a suggestion….. Take care Lindy

    • I can identify with a lot you said, and I’m sure ‘many’ others can. I think how we feel about ourselves is the only thing that can motivate us to stop. It’s such a strong addiction… Perhaps if you are able to stop… stay away and find something else that may interest you…. then you could tell your husband but that you’ve stopped… Hope you’re able to… take care.. Lindy