• ME posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 years, 1 months ago

    I need help with my gambling problem. The statement of “You only live once” and “make yourself happy” brings me to any form of gambling. Gambling gives me excitement and happiness but takes away my self control resulting in making me a liar and affecting my financial status and not only that it’s affecting my relationship with my family and friends. Is gambling really my stress reliever? It’s not because most of the time it’s a loss . Gambling takes away my self control in finding ways to enjoy life. It seems like gambling is the only form of enjoyment I have in my life and I can’t find any other things to enjoy life. I’ve lost so much that I could have been financially stable at this time in my life. I have to find ways for diversion to stop this gambling addiction before this thing takes over my life. I thought I could overcome this gambling problem by myself but it’s not. Need help.

    • Life coaching taught me to respect myself, appreciate that I deserved the money that I worked for and that, as a person born into this world, I have equality with all.
      Gambling is like being in a bad relationship where your partner demands all of your attention and only occasionally does something nice for you, just to keep you on the hook.
      Any addiction is a symptom of a life out of balance but all too often the addiction takes centre stage as the cause.
      Low self-esteem is the disease of the developed world, learn how to love and respect yourself and all ill serving behaviours become manageable.