• Steve posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 5 months ago

    5 days of no scratch tickets, almost felt like buying one or more, but that was on the way to the mall even before i got there for a coffee stop and a bus transfer. when i got to the mall i did buy four lottery tickets, my rationalization is that i’m sticking to not buying scratch tickets. When i got to the mall i was able to not buy any scratches. The odds of winning from lotto tickets is like 1 in 14 million and worse for the lottomax. if my numbers eve came up ( the best ever was an 80 dollar win in 30 years LOL. my fear is that it my numbers ever came up and i saw, i would go totally nuts…someone before did say don’t buy and don’t check…i would be committed if that happened though seriously. As nuts as that sounds, im still unable to stop those. My next step will be to stop the pick 2 3 and 4 tickets as i see they also cost me hundreds per month and takes 2-3 months to get a win, but i lose track of that gap and then lose 1800 over three months to maybe win 200, which causes a rush to buy a few more, then more and on it goes. really if i canstp those daily ones id save another 600 a month, omg writing this reinforces a need to start stopping those, oh my.,,the daily are harder to stop. my cat is pawing the screen now….she wants me to stop too i guess. at one point i was worried she’d need vet care and i couldn’t afford it if i needed to. take her there. a wake up call for such a welcoming little cat, my therapeutic, mouse chasing roomie.. so im ready to go after those too and make my savings go to 1400+ a month in total. as i think about it even more savings…no more payday loans! I dropped my iphone in water after tripping in my kitchen, and the new screen is $510 installed, if i had not stopped scratch tickets my partner would never have offered to pay for it out of some of our money we have saved together in their bank account of some of our saved money ,,,i can pay for car repairs thank God. thanks for listening everyone, only place I could do this at all.