• jeffk posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 years, 4 months ago

    I am going to say I have been trying to quit gambling without my higher power many many times before and I failed many many time but this time I feel in my heart with my higher power with me I am going to make it do not brush off your higher power seek him let him fill you with love and encouragement he will be right next to you right by your side and will lift all the pain and struggling away just believe that is all and you will know what I am talking about and feel what I am feeling just let go.

    • Focusing on a higher power for me it is God gives me strength to do what i know is best! Thks for sharing

      • Yes Joyce I know you feel what I feel just wish more would try harder to reach out to there higher power it seems so many skip that part of recovery and if they truly want to quit they would full commit to there higher power.