• Gam2much posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 3 months ago

    Hello all! New member here! I have officially gambled away my entire paycheck over Super Bowl weekend, along with getting some cash advances to gamble more. I know I have a problem and I want to beat this problem. my biggest problem is I don’t know when to stop when it comes to sports gambling. If I’m at a casino, I know when to call it quits, but if it’s on sports, if I lose, I ALWAYS chase to make that money back. I’m very close to losing my wife over my addiction, and she is the best thing to ever happen to me. Please help y’all! Anything will help me!

    • I’m new here too. Welcome! First step is being here and that’s a big one. So far, I’ve been reading a lot of what other people are going through and seeing that, and the devastation gambling brings to people has been helping me tremendously. I’ve been focusing on not being alone in this. Looking at how truly bad it can get (and I thought I was already in a really bad place) and keeping in mind that I don’t have to give in to the urge to play. I literally have to drive by a casino to get home from work every night. Talk about being tempted daily! Today is Day 5 for me – gambling free. I’m happy about waking up each morning shame free. I’m paying attention to things that trigger me. I’m constantly in here reading posts AND success stories. And I’m fully aware of my own self destruct button now. What makes me decide to ruin the things that are best in my life. Try a few of those things and see if they help you.
      I fully plan to be a success story myself here. Looking forward to that day very much.

    • Hi Gam2much.
      I haven’t had experience with sports betting. There are some people that frequent here that have my poison has been slots.
      You already answered a lot of your own questions of why you need to stop and they are huge. That’s the why.
      Then there’s the how.
      So easy to get caught up in gambling. The thrill of winning the idea of easy money. When we all work so hard for our money. It usually starts out as an occasional thing to do and somehow gets blown into something a person has a difficult time staying away from.
      What means more in life? A person needs to keep that in mind that will help weigh the scale to your side against gambling.
      I’m not sure how sports betting works but to help stay away if you can self exclude or block it I’d suggest doing that. That will put the brakes on.
      I’m guessing your wife knows you gamble. You may want to speak with her and have her manage your money for a time. Until you can get your head wrapped around not gambling and starting to feel good about that. There are ga meeting in real and on line It’s good to speak with people in similar circumstances. Then a person doesn’t feel alone. And you’re not alone that whirlpool has tried to get many of us. But here we are.