• Daniel posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 4 months, 1 weeks ago

    how do i stop? why does this feel like a never ending loseing battle..i have no family..no1 to turn to and no support…i feel lost like this is the end……..i just want it all to stop

    • Praying for you. God bless you Daniel.

    • You can’t unless you relize thatyou are powerless over this addiction.
      Let the Power of God and his Grace in to your life. Trust him.
      The day WILL come.
      Prayers for wisdom and strengh 😍

    • Daniel the only way I could stop at first was self exclusion blocking myself. I self excluded at the live casinos over almost five years ago. That ran out and I have written for permission to return. I received it but haven’t gone back regardless. I asked for permission just in case something came up like an event or concert I’d want to attend. I’ve self excluded online. That really helped me also.
      A person has no choice but to slow down then.
      I found it difficult to do at first but after I was beaten down so many times. It felt like I needed to do something.
      I have to say that definitely helped me a lot.
      As time has gone on I’m not self excluded but my accounts are closed and I’m able to stay away. In all honesty I still think about it. I am going through some high pressure things right now and possibly that’s why I’ve been thinking about it more. I guess kind of an escape for me.
      Although I know if I were to return I’d just be creating more problems for myself.
      I continue to stay away. I hope you will also.

    • Hello Daniel,

      For the hard battle it already is, having no one to turn to makes it even harder so I could imagine your despair. I agree with Serenity that the first step you should take is to self-ban and self-exclude from online betting sites and casinos. I don’t know where you are but in some places it seems to also be possible to talk to your banks.
      I would also encourage you to seek help as it is a very difficult burden to carry alone.

      If you are looking for self-help resources, why not check out this mobile app that I am building? I am a psychotherapist who has had experience working with patients with gambling disorder in the hospital. I wanted to build this digital treatment program that requires no contact with therapists very largely because of people like you who have limited access to quality help due to time limitations for example. To know more, here is the website: https://skinnerapp.wixsite.com/helloskinner
      Feel free to go more into detail about your situation in the email, it’s tricky to give advice when I know very little about your status quo.