• benjaminzz started the topic Help me to Understand in the forum Daily Discussion 5 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Lainey
    I don’t know your boyfriend so hard for me to say whether he will gamble again.
    Each person is different but when you get a second have a look at these links.
    Hope they help and I wish you both the best.
    Ken L Grateful recovering Compulsive Gambler

    CAMH https://www.problemgambling.ca/gambling-help/support-for-families/default.aspx
    Gam Anon http://gam-anon.org/

    “Also here are a few facts from the Yellow Book that is read at most if not all weekly GA meetings
    What is compulsive gambling?
    The explanation that seems most acceptable to Gamblers Anonymous members is that compulsive gambling is an illness, progressive in its nature, which can never be cured, but can be arrested.
    Before coming to Gamblers Anonymous, many compulsive gamblers thought of themselves as morally weak, or at times just plain ‘no good’. The Gamblers Anonymous concept is that compulsive gamblers are really very sick people who can recover if they will follow to the best of their ability a simple program that has proved successful for thousands of other men and women with a gambling or compulsive gambling problem.”

    ” Can a person recover by himself/herself by reading Gamblers Anonymous literature or medical books on the problem of compulsive gambling?Sometimes, but not usually. The Gamblers Anonymous program works best for the individual when it is recognized and accepted as a program involving other people. Working with other compulsive gamblers in a Gamblers Anonymous group the individual seems to find the necessary understanding and support. They are able to talk of their past experiences and present problems in an area where they are comfortable and accepted. Instead of feeling alone and misunderstood, they feel needed and accepted.”