Here is my story I have been a gambler since I was 16 yrs. old I am not 72 yrs . old now I stopped gambling and joined Gamblers Anonymous in 1982 I was clean for 20 Yrs. till 2002 I always planned to go back I have relapsed many times. Clean for 1-2 yrs. at a time in and out of the Gamblers Anonymous program I just recently stopped and closed al of my gambling sites on my computer i’m working hard now to stop forever I have bet thousands of races in my lifetime – and I know that many races are fixed and when you bet too many races you can’t win I have won many races and have made thousands of dollars only t to give it all back plus more . I’m taking it “One Day at a Time’ To all who suffer out there – remember you can win but you never will keep the money – NEVER ! Stay Strong – Don’t go back if you have stopped!
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