Day 14.I been attending GA mtgs 1-2 a wk.I feel a little better every day.My finances are a mess but if i can continue to stay away from gambling i will be ok.I dont have much $ for myself but enough to pay my bills if i dont gamble.Their is a woman in GA and we sometimes ride together switch off driving to the mths and last night i seen her car at a local convenience store she was gamb and has been telling me she is not.Im a little bothered by it because im comoletly honest about my gamb addiction.I hope to continue not gambling!!
Hey Stephann,
I am so glad that your are on the rigt track, and keep up the great work! And as for your friend, please keep in mind that we often fall down and are afraid to admit it. Try not to be upset with her and give her the grace that we all need.