Today is Day 1 again.I have been struggling with gamb addiction for to long.The amount of $ i went thru the past 2 wks makes me sick!! This started when i was 13 im 48 now and ive blown so much $ in that time i could be rich right now.Last night i almost hit somebody head on while driving i was scratchin a scratch tix they had to pull off the road i was in their lane.It wouldnt be the first time ive hit a yellow construction sign before that went in the air while i was driving and gamb almost think its worse that drinkin and driving.I couldnt imagine if i hurt someone.So today i went to a GA mtg and have not gambled.If anyone has a tips om hoq to manage my $ please share because its so easy to just cash chks and over draw my acct.Thxs!
My first tip for you is how about pulling over somewhere to scratch tickets. Or you could do like the real degenerates and scratch them off in the store they just bought them in. Maybe even at the checkout line while everyone else in line would really love to get on with their day. Seriously, pull over, there are enough idiots on their phones driving in multiple lanes let alone you driving with your knee digging in your pockets looking for a coin to potentially win $6 on a ticket you paid $5 for.
Tip 2. You probably need to find someone to let control your finances. This one is even harder than driving with your knees but it is a big step when you have no self control with your money. After all if you don’t have extra cash, it will certainly dampen the trigger for you to gamble. I’m sure you buy a few less tickets when your broke. Not trying to sound harsh I just know from experience that payday is usually a good time to start messing up.