Active 1 weeks, 4 days ago-
stephann posted a new activity comment 1 years, 2 months ago
Hi Ken.Thank you and that was a great suggestion.Anything to get my mind of gamb and whats most important.The struggle is real.Will be workin on Day 7 tomor.Thanks for being here for me and everyone else here.
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 2 months ago
Day 5.I just got in from a ga mtg.It always seems when i get in my car to go somewhere thats when i think about gambling- I struggled in my head on my way to mtg this am to stop at a conveince store and get a scratch tix and skip the mtg but somehow i did not stop i went to my mtg.I always here something at these mtgs that i can relate to.If im…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 3 months ago
Day 3.I went to a mtg last night i forced myself becuz i was so tired.I have always been able to identify with step 1 but never moved on to step 2.After my mtg on Wed night a member talked to me for a half hr after the mtg i thought about that conversation alot yesterday and about how much worse gamb can get i always feel like im the worst gambler…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 3 months ago
Day 2.I plan to not gamble today go to work and then a mtg.Im glad their is more meetings opening up in area.
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 3 months ago
Im sitting in the parking lot of my GA mtg a few mjns early which is unusal for me.To make it this far today is a miracle for me.If i dont continue to stay in this program i feel like im gonna hurt myself.I have so much goin for me my own business love my job.But i continue to sabatage myself.I think this is like my 500th time going back into Ga…[Read more]
stephann posted a new activity comment 1 years, 3 months ago
I didnt specify in above post that my friend from ga went ouy and gamled after 2 1/2 yrs of clean time.
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 3 months ago
Day 1.I have been continuing to gamble off borrowed $ from my Dad.I just cannot take 1 more day of this so i decided im goin to make a ga mtg tonight and tomor night.I have a friend in ga who recently just reached 2 1/2 yrs free of gamb and i honestly thought she would never gamble again.As much as i like her she wants to get a ride from me to the…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 3 months ago
Day 1 for me.I am so broke and broken from this addiction.I just feel hopeless that i will never stop this and im in this for the rest of my life pain and misery.Its not normal to blow ur entire paycheck every wk and then have no gas or coffee $ or $ to pay my bills.I recently had almost 30 days but sometimes when im driving its like the fkn devil…[Read more]
I am in the same situation Stepann. I’ll do fine for a while then temptation creeps in. I guess the key is too resist temptation. It’s difficult because we always think that a win is coming. Then we end up broke and devastated. I have decided to remember how I feel now the next time that temptation to go comes creeping in again. I wish I can pla…[Read more]
Hi Stephann….I know you’ve been trying to get some clean time for a while now. I’m going to suggest something that people might think is a little wacky but it’s worked for me so maybe it will work for you too. Create a mantra for yourself. My two favorites right now are “I’m living an amazing life because I did not gamble today” and “ Money flows…[Read more]
Today is my first day here. Know that you are not alone because what you just shared is exactly what I am going through as well! I blew my entire paycheck, 800.00. I’ve been on this path of destruction for quite some time and I am losing everything. My car is going to be repossessed because I took out a title loan, which I gambled and I haven’t…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 3 months ago
Day 15.I was reading earlier posts and DP’s stuck out when said i was hooked from the start- So was I.Started gamb very young at 13 im now 47 and i have struggled with this addiction for to long.Lost so much $ in that time i could own 2 houses outright and be retired right now its sickening.I am attending GA mtgs.But i will say this addiction has…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 5 months ago
Day 10.Its nice to have some $ for coffee and gas in the morning.Also goin to buy my daughter some school clothes this am.I got set back a little on Monday gettin a flat tire but i would rather pay for a tire then give the Massachusetts lottery any more $.
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 5 months ago
Day 5.Left for work this am put air in all my tires in my Jeep got a mile down the road my tire gors flat.I pulled into a empty parking lot called AAA and it took them over 2 hrs to long to get to me.The entire time i sat their all that went thru my head was i just want to go gamble now.However i did not.Some guy pulled into the parking lot seeing…[Read more]
stephann posted a new activity comment 1 years, 5 months ago
Hi Ryan.Their is help available to us compulsive gamblers!! I consider myself to be one of the worst compulsive gamblers yet somehoq i managed to stop in 2020 for a yr and a half been gamb 35 + yrs lost an incredible amount of $ and put my kids last gamb always came first.Right now im back in GA and workin on Day 4.Everday is a battle for me to…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 5 months ago
Day 4.I mentioned a couple days ago of my relapse to gamb and was thinking today it seems almost everytime i relapse i lose all the $ ive managed to save up when i was not gamb and then some more- I think because of how long ive been gamb it has really affected my mind that im trying harder to stop because the mental anguish this has caused me i…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 5 months ago
Day 2.I had a nive stretch of time going 50+ days and blew it in an instant..I went to a Ga mtg last night.it is very hard for me to get over the $ ive lost.Because it is a fortume combined thru out my 35+ yrs of gamb- When i have a gamb relapse it is so hard to stop again.My body feelsike its craving a bet just like a drug addict does his nxt…[Read more]
So I sit here on Friday lost/bored out of my mind cause all I want to do is gamble. Ive lost a fortune…i was doing good at 120 days this year but since April have lost another 70k bringing the tally to even higher millions. Worst part is I still want to gamble the little I have access to right now, and think of other money I have to move…[Read more]
Hi FlavorMan
I continue to try and stay away also.
With the words of how much money you are able to generate. It sounds to me you like a challenge.
I do also I keep that in mind while trying to stay away.
I wish you strength in staying away.
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 6 months ago
Today is Day 22.I been struggling with urges and thoughts of gamb.Foe me the hardest part of stopping gambling is actually stopping so because its so hard to stop i dont want to lose these 22 days.What also keeps me away is the insanity it causes me- I keep going to mtg and stay busy otherwise.
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 6 months ago
Day 10.Will be leavin in a half hr to make a mtg.This time around gamb has destroyed my mind to the point of insanity.Each Day i feel a little better trying not to look back but forward..Thinkin back to last mtg i did a reading in yellow book the 20 quest.I could answer yes to all of them but what really made mw think was quest 17 i believe it…[Read more]
stephann posted a new activity comment 1 years, 7 months ago
Thanks Meg.I kind of read thru some of your posts.I can remember with each one of my pregnancys saying this is it im gonna quit i really thought that me being pregnant would stop me.Sadly it didnt and i can remember very vividly when i went into labor with my 1st daughter on the way to the hospital demanding he stopped at a convenience store on…[Read more]
Thank you for your advice. Right now my husband and child are my biggest motivation, I want to quit for them. Its been hard. This is my Day 2 of not gambling. I still think about it when I wake up but when I see my husband next to me, I just feel peace and quiet and telling myself that I don’t want to hurt him and our family anymore. I hope you f…[Read more]
I relate… the things I’ve done would sound absolutely crazy to someone without an addiction.. it’s completely irrational behavior . Yet when I’m doing it it’s like I’m in a haze, nothing around me gets my attention. I’m 50 with 2 wonderful grown kids and a very tolerant husband who works his butt off and that’s not enough
I’ve lied so m…[Read more]-
Come clean to your husband. It sounds that you have a wonderful man. I think it will really helps that you have that comveesation with him. I was so scared to tell my husband what I have done but hiding it from him was eating me away. I will pray for you and everyone on here that we all find that courage to start over and have the courage to make…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 7 months ago
Day 4 no gamb.Been ok up until today.After work i needed to cash a chk from a job i did as i had no $ at all on me.I had no gas no coffee $ so i went to the bank.While i was sitting in drive thru i said to my self im goin to the nearest corner store w/ this $ and gettin just 1-50$ scratch tix and i will keep the rest for gas and coffee and some…[Read more]
One day at a time. You are not alone. We all struggle but we just have to keep going for our family and try our best to better ourselves for them.
Thanks Meg.I kind of read thru some of your posts.I can remember with each one of my pregnancys saying this is it im gonna quit i really thought that me being pregnant would stop me.Sadly it didnt and i can remember very vividly when i went into labor with my 1st daughter on the way to the hospital demanding he stopped at a convenience store on…[Read more]
Thank you for your advice. Right now my husband and child are my biggest motivation, I want to quit for them. Its been hard. This is my Day 2 of not gambling. I still think about it when I wake up but when I see my husband next to me, I just feel peace and quiet and telling myself that I don’t want to hurt him and our family anymore. I hope you f…[Read more]
I relate… the things I’ve done would sound absolutely crazy to someone without an addiction.. it’s completely irrational behavior . Yet when I’m doing it it’s like I’m in a haze, nothing around me gets my attention. I’m 50 with 2 wonderful grown kids and a very tolerant husband who works his butt off and that’s not enough
I’ve lied so m…[Read more]-
Come clean to your husband. It sounds that you have a wonderful man. I think it will really helps that you have that comveesation with him. I was so scared to tell my husband what I have done but hiding it from him was eating me away. I will pray for you and everyone on here that we all find that courage to start over and have the courage to make…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 7 months ago
Today is Day 2 for me.I went to a mtg yesterday because i have to stop this my mind has been really affected by this.I have no time for anybody my husband my kids all i do is gamble and work a ton and give everyone around me an attitude because ive gone broke and cant break this cycle.However gettin back to my ga mtg yesterday my 15 yr old…[Read more]
Hi today is day 3 for me . Your words have just hit hard as I was tempted to tell my children yesterday now I don’t think I will. I don’t think I could forgive myself if they ever started. My heads been a bit mashed today but it’s nearly over.
My mum and sister both are quite bad for it too but since my break down 3 days ago they do seem to be he…[Read more]
stephann posted an update in the group Community 1 years, 8 months ago
This is the sickest gamb has ever made me its all mental.Gamb has wopped my butt i feel like i been mentally tortured from this.I couldnt even get out of bed today.I dont want to feel this pain ever again.So Day 1 almost over!!
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Hey Stephann
In my early days of recovery I use to keep a picture of my kids in the sun visor and when my addiction
tried to talk me into going gambling ” Just for a little while” I would look at the picture and remind myself
that if I continued to gamble I could lose my family.
Keep up attending your meeting
God Bless
Hi Ken.Thank you and that was a great suggestion.Anything to get my mind of gamb and whats most important.The struggle is real.Will be workin on Day 7 tomor.Thanks for being here for me and everyone else here.