• Sem posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Question. If someone offers to pay a debt. Should u take it or not? I am thinking that my debt is a reminder of my mistake and paying it off is my way of reminding me of why I should not gamble. But the person that offered to pay the debt says that the interest on the debt with just get higher and higher. I worry that if the debt is paid I will be back to zero. Thinking. Hey why not. Good to go and play again. Thought?

    • Paying off the debt isn’t the answer. You need to deal with why you want to gamble. If you don’t you will continue to gamble and get deeper and deeper in debt. Pay off your current debt and stay away

    • Have to agree with frog. Your worried you might think back to even, why not. Well that’s exactly what you need to ask yourself, why not. Getting into more debt, having more stress, shame. It seems like your just finding the easy way back to what is causing all the problems. Why not, write down a list of the reasons why not. And remind yourself of WHY it’s better to go in the other direction, your recovery. Hold yourself accountable, have some pride, and know things can get better, if you work at it. Hope you do