• Elaine posted a new activity comment 3 years, 5 months ago

    I think I will start journaling. I usually start strong. This is day 1.

    • Good for you! I love journalling all my thoughts each morning, I sometimes (especially lately) have been returning to my journal off and on throughout the day as I deal with my emotions. For me, it helps to put my thoughts down with pen and paper. Today I invited my husband to read parts of my journal so that he could (hopefully) understand my…[Read more]

  • Elaine posted a new activity comment 3 years, 5 months ago

    Me too. But my husband is so calm about it. It makes me feel worse.

    • Thank you for sharing Elaine. I feel so alone, it’s taking so long to get a counsellor. I’m from a small town and our wait lists are huge. Ken’s emails are helpful. I’m journalling a lot and that helps too. Im terrified that I may lose my marriage. It’s weird I have no urge to gamble but then again this is only day 10 for me..how are YOU coping?

    • I think I will start journaling. I usually start strong. This is day 1.

      • Good for you! I love journalling all my thoughts each morning, I sometimes (especially lately) have been returning to my journal off and on throughout the day as I deal with my emotions. For me, it helps to put my thoughts down with pen and paper. Today I invited my husband to read parts of my journal so that he could (hopefully) understand my…[Read more]

    • That’s so awesome that you came clean! I totally understand the fear of our spouses leaving us. I am slowly coming to terms with it, if he leaves me (or more likely kicks me out) I will be okay. One day at a time as the saying goes.