• N9876 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 1 years, 7 months ago

    Hello, this is my first post here.

    I have been gambling on online casinos for over a couple years now and has gotten to the point where I’ve been using my credit card. I am over my limit and I’m barely getting by with rent and making bare minimum payments on my card. I feel hopeless, lost, uncertain and that I’ve ruined my life. Any help or su…[Read more]

    • Hi N9876
      What helped me get grounded in my recovery was counseling and gamblers anonymous meetings sites like Gamtalk.
      Folks in GA and Gamtalk understand what you are struggling with and will offer you support.
      Hope you will visit our chatroom.
      I usually visit most nights around 11 pm est and several other members visit through out the day.
      If you…[Read more]

    • Hi

      I wrote a comment too another person here similar.
      I couldn’t quit gambling just by saying. @ I don’t want too do it. I used self exclusion no choice but too stay away. And it certainly did help me get my life back on track. And my feelings of self worth returned also. I even spoke with the credit card companies I wanted too be denied use…[Read more]

    • You are not alone my friend. I’ll be reading your post