It’s been really quiet here since Ken has passed away.
The chat with a councillor isn’t here anymore.
Maximus had a few posts as representing this site.
There are over 8000 people signed up and no help for people working with getting gambling under control.
This site is sponsored by casino owner (government).
Where’s the help ?
Yes…..I miss Ken a lot and I know his family does and so do the many people on this site.
Was Ken a volunteer councillor
We share in missing Ken.
I always assumed Ken was paid by this site.
I’m uncertain if he was though.
If he did give his time freely that was very generous of him. Even if he was paid he was still very generous.
Ken’s family must miss him very much.
As well the people who frequent this site.
I hope the administrator of this site is able to coordinate someone that has the spirit and heart to help others here on this site. I know our sharing here helps but there still should be someone with experience over seeing this site.
A gambling addiction can be quite serious and for some myself included due to distance this site is has been a source of help.
Even for links and suggestions of other forms of help.