Joy is long-term, and fun is short-term. Joy can (and should be) consistent, fun is always fleeting.
Second, gamblings short-term fun ends in pain far too often. Consider how many times you should quote that sentence.The Bible says in Isaiah: “Seek the Lord while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.”
Your will says: “Go back to your habit. This will be the last time. After this time you will do things God’s way.”
Your will is lying again.
Be honest. If you decide to fall say: “I am pouring gas on my habit, and it will cause me destruction.” Be honest. Speak what is really happening, not what your bad habit tells you to believe
Some churches say to seek the Lord, but they forget that it is hard to find the Lord, unless we go to war with sin. If habitual sin continues… can He be found?
Proverbs 23:4-5 ESV Do not toil to acquire wealth; be discerning enough to desist. When your eyes light on it, it is gone, for suddenly it sprouts wings, flying like an eagle toward heaven.”
Work for food and rent/house payment. Don’t think about riches, that’s not God’s way.
Matthew 6:33 ESV But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
I can promise you that in my life, this verse has been completely true.
Fourth, what does, “All these things will be added to you,” mean?
I will say, I gave up a lot of things to try to serve God over the years. But, by this point, I have received everything back plus joy and purpose. The Bible was right again.
Finally, what changes will you make based on these verses?