It has hit me again. I relapsed. I had been doing to so well not having money. But when bad situations come up, all my outlet goes to gambling. I am so sick of this feeling. I am already at my worst and i don’t know what to do. We alreadg got kicked out at our place because I used all the rent money. Even grocery money for my 2 kids. It sickens me so much that I just want to end my life. My mom has been diagnosed with Uterine Cancer. And I can’t even shoulder her bills because of my bad decisions. It’s just all bad. Now we are homeless with my 2 kids with no where to go. I just want to end it
Hi Linglang.Im struggling with blowing all my $ every single week i have 3 girls my youngest is 15 and she suffers from me doing this my older daughter is struggling as she is a young single Mom and i dont even help her i have become selfish im also suffering because i cannot stop gamb.You mentioned u were doing good and had stopped gamb just curious as to how u stopped what heloed?This addiction has got to be the sickest of all.I have no other addictions i habe become a slave to gamb im a work aholic only ro bliw my $.You are not alone.Somehow i have got ro stop this cycle.This is the worst i habe ever been gamb all day long til my ladt dollar is gone everytime!!
sorry to hear of both of your troubles :/. I came pretty close to becoming homeless myself. 43 living with my mom now and driving a car that has been totalled twice over. got a decent job but nothing to show for it. workaholic as well close to 80 hours a week sometimes. sucks to work so hard and be unable to even buy new clothes/shoes…
A few people mentioned workaholic. I think that’s part of the problem a personality trait that’s all in. It’s very hard to come to terms with losing money when a person just wanted to gain money. To turn your back on the loses and know you’re not getting that money. back. That’s okay you can make more and not give it away to gambling.
Much love