• Bigheart4 posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    I’m trying so hard to move on and not think about the past loses. To stop chasing my loses. I need to tell myself that it will get deeper.

    • Thanks for your post / thoughts Bigheart
      The part of chasing loses / getting deeper reminded me of a paragraph in the Gamblers Anonymous yellow book read at meetings.
      It is a very true statement of where our addiction can and does take us if we continue.
      Take Care
      Ken L YBIR
      ” Most of us have been unwilling to admit we were real problem gamblers. No one likes to think they are different from their fellows. Therefore, it is not surprising that our gambling careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we could gamble like other people. The idea that somehow, some day, we will control our gambling is the great obsession of every compulsive gambler. The persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of prison, insanity or death. “

    • I understand it may be hard to accept the loses bigheart4 but do remind yourself that by not gambling today you are in a way making up for them. Try to do sth else when you feel like you can’t stop thinking about your loses so that you don’t get sucked back in with the dysfunctional belief that “only through gambling will I be able to make up for the loses I suffered”.

      I am a psychotherapist who has had experience working with patients with gambling disorder in the hospital. I am trying to create a product where people can access the same kind of treatment they would get in a therapy room by adapting therapeutic material into a mobile app so that those struggling with gambling addiction who are therapy-hesitant or therapy-deprived can get effective, quality help. If that sounds like something you would want to exist, please check out our landing page to know more about the app and sign up to tell us your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to read this, please know that your show of interest is pivotal to the development of this product.
      Here’s the website: https://skinnerapp.wixsite.com/helloskinner