I have messed up again, big time. I want to ask a question on here. Please feel free to give me your input. Do you think it is advisable for someone who has a gambling problem to give any money they earn to their partner so that they are in control of finances. I know this will be sensible in some instances but my biggest concern is not having access to money in an emergency or the freedom to use it as I see fit besides gambling that is. I trust my husband but he views are different to mine in some instances. Eg of this would be I may want to buy a air ticket for my daughter and he may say she should rather buy her own if she wants to visit us.
bbgirl in my years of experience there are all kinds of people with different views on how matters should be handled.
Does your husband know you gamble?
That is the reason you wish to hand your finances over to him.
If it’s possible to develop a system that you can show him where you wish to spend your money and it’s not on gambling. He should be willing to allocate your money to you. For what ever you feel you need.
That’s respect for another person not control.
I would hope that your husband cares enough and respects you enough to grant you your own money on reasonable things.
If you believe he can’t. Is there another person in your life your Mom your dad ? That can do this for you.
You are maturely looking for help with a way to control your gambling until you can better manage it yourself.
It’s in our own being to make the right choices for ourselves sometimes we just need some help (most gamblers) to get there.
I wish you much success!
I am going through this very same thing. I need my husband to take all access to money for me because I am at that point as well. I just came up with an idea for myself and that is to use a no cash advance credit card to have the freedom to spend on things I need/want but not be able to access cash. I can easily transfer money to my credit card through my phone if I need more.but never actually need cash. I hope this helps.
Hi Tam thanks for your response. I am sorry you are going through the same situation. Your idea sounds great if you are not able to access cash but can at least get the other items you need / want. My situation is a bit different if I have cash i dont use it to gamble its the online games that are my problem, so its better I draw cash and keep that for purchases. I appreciate your feedback and advice and trust that we will both find the solutions and answers we are looking for.
Thanks Serenity for the advise, I have come to a decision. We discussed this further a few nights later and I saw just the extent of how upset this makes him. It broke my heart to see and that image in my mind is what I will focus on. He is a reasonable man however I need to learn to gain control of my own finances so will contribute as I normally do but only spend on absolute necessary items this month. I believe if I start saving it will motivate me further to continue on that path. I have not gambled since so at least its a good start.
bbgirl it sounds like you are working things out that’s awesome ❤️
Thanks Serenity trying my utmost.