• kenl posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 years, 6 months ago

    OCTOBER 9 Reflection for the Day

    I remember once hearing someone in the Gamblers Anonymous Program say, “Life is a series of agreeings or disagreeings with the universe.” There is much truth in that statement, for I’m only a small cog in the machinery of the universe. When I try to run things my way, I’ll experience only frustration and a sense of failure. If, instead, I learn to let go, success will assuredly be mine. Then I’ll have time to count my blessings, work on my shortcomings, and live fully and richly in the Now.

    Do I believe that what I am meant to know I will know if I practice the Eleventh Step – praying only for the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

    Today I Pray
    May I take my direction from the Eleventh Step – and not fall into my usual habit of making itemized lists for God of all my pleas and entreaties and complaints. My I no longer second-guess God with my specific solutions, but pray only that His will be done. May I count my blessings instead of my beseechings.

    Today I Will Remember
    Stop list-making for God.

    OCTOBER 10 Reflection for the Day

    When we allow our Higher Power to take charge, without reservations on our part, we stop being “anxious.” When we’re not anxious about some person or situation, that doesn’t mean we’re disinterested or have stopped caring. Just the opposite is true. We can be interested and caring without being anxious or fearful. The poised, calm, and faith-filled person brings something positive to every situation. He or she is able to do the things that are necessary and helpful.

    Do I realize how much better prepared I am to do wise and loving things if I banish anxious thoughts and know that God is in charge?

    Today I Pray
    I pray that I may be rid of the anxiety that I have equated in my mind with really caring about people. May I know that anxiety is not an item of outerwear that can be doffed like a cap. May I know that I must have serenity within myself and confidence that God can do a better job than I can – and then my anxiety will lessen.

    Today I Will Remember
    Anxiety never solved anything.