• Ken L posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 2 years, 9 months ago

    JULY 26 Reflection for the Day

    Now that I avail myself of the letters H-O-W suggested by friends in the Gamblers Anonymous Program – Honesty, Open-Mindedness, Willingness – I see things in a new light. In ways that I couldn’t have predicted and surely never expected, I’ve come to see things quite differently than I did before coming to GA. I feel good most days. I seldom feel bad, and never for long. Certainly never as bad as I used to feel all of the time.

    Is my worst day now infinitely better than my best day previously?

    Today I Pray

    May I remember today to say “thank you” to my Higher Power, to my friends in the group, and to the whole, vast Fellowship of recovering compulsive gamblers for making me know that things do get better. I give thanks, too, for those verbal boosters, the tags and slogans which have so often burst into my brain at exactly the moments when they were needed, redefining my purpose, restoring my patience, reminding me of my God.

    Today I Will Remember

    How it was.